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Stacey D.
on 4/21/13 10:20 am - Harrisonburg, VA
Topic: Transverse baby update...
Well I went to the dr on Friday and baby flipped all the way around and her head is now on right and butt on left; complete opposite of the week before. Dr was actually pretty surprised as this is unusual to keep going back and forth; however she said she is a small baby so she has room to basically swing her feet from side to side. Dr believes she looks like she is doing that and not going head down then back up. So what do we do; right now the dr feels because she is laying the way she is and so high she believes waiting is a better option than csection . We are going to see if she will move down what I have to ensure is that if I start feeling consistent contractions font wait until active labor to go to hospital as we don't want my water to break and her be I will be cautious and hope for a turning baby! Hope everyone has a great week.


T. Deeds
on 4/20/13 9:36 pm
Topic: RE: xpost - Raging Hunger during Ovulation?
Yes, I have this problem too! I literally eat all day around ovulation time. It became more pronounced after my RNY, because my regular hunger cues were supressed, except around ovulation!


T. Deeds
on 4/20/13 9:33 pm
Topic: RE: Having a hardd time gining weight
I'm 17 weeks and haven't gained anything yet. I don't think I'll be able to gain much either, because I'm feeling increasing restriction in my pouch as my abdomen grows bigger and bigger. It's ok though, the midwife doesn't think I need to gain any weight.


Alice P.
on 4/20/13 7:24 am
Topic: RE: Updates and Pics

Looking great!!

 HW 278 SW 259 GW 170 CW 142 Ht 5ft 6


on 4/20/13 5:58 am - Anderson, IN
Topic: RE: Updates and Pics
Gorgeous mommy and beautiful perfect baby girl I am sooo happy for you guys Samara!



 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers  Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers




on 4/20/13 2:17 am - San Antonio, TX
Topic: Updates and Pics

So things seems to be moving at such a fast pace these last few weeks/days. 33 weeks today and feeling pretty good all things considered. I have gained just under 30 lbs which is ok with me. I gained 29 with my son and had him at 37 weeks so interesting to see where I will end up with this one.  My mother in law got here from Morocco a week ago and will be here until August to help which is going to be great as having a new baby and a 5 year old is gonna be a new experience. We had a 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday and it was amazing. We did not do this with our son but went ahead and did this time and I was relieved that it really is a girl, lol...I had my doubts based on the first u/s techs reading at 20 weeks. My baby shower (Lovebird theme) is in two weeks on May 4th so looking forward to that as well. And our house also sold after less than two months on the market so we are frantically looking for a new one as I would love to be moved and somewhat settled before baby comes since want the extra space and to be closer to work etc for after baby comes. Our son starts Kindergarten this year so want him to be at one school versus move mid school year. My OB/GYN has been out for about two months as well due to some emergency surgery so have been seeing other doctors in the practice but I hope she is back soon as I would really love her to deliver our daughter as she did our son 5 years ago. So needless to say lots of things going on. Here are some pics to share as well...the first is me at 30 weeks and the second is the 3D/4D ultrasound of our daughter. Love her cheeks and pout so much...totally opposite of my son's face it seems.


Lilypie - (8swr) Lilypie - (XAvt)

Ann D.
on 4/20/13 12:14 am - Amelia, OH
Topic: RE: Round 2 Fertility treatments and Ultrasound today..

I have had 12 IUIs, and 2.5 IVFs, so this is coming from experience.  17 is small to trigger if you were taking clomid.  They should have given it another day or two before triggering.  Not that it can't work, but most RE's say at least 19 - 20 for clomid and some even bigger.

Are you seeing an OB or RE?  PLEASE, I plead with you or anyone struggling with fertility, do not waste your time with an OB.  Their profession is to help you deliver a healthy baby, NOT get you pregnant.  RE's however, exist just to GET you pregnant.

So, if you are seeing an OB and this round doesn't work....go see an RE and they'll be better able to help you.

Good luck!


Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!

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Liz A.
on 4/19/13 3:32 pm - OH
katie G.
on 4/19/13 10:45 am
Topic: RE: Newborn adopted son... & pregnant!
congrats, deep breathe, I understand the concern.... I concieved just 3 weeks post op... I'm currently 30 weeks and Ivy's growing fine... I've lost the whole pregnancy and now keep going up and down the same few pounds. my surgeon wasn't concerned but when I saw the PA for my 3 month f/u her response whas 'what are you going to do about this?' I had my concerns but that ticked me off... I intended to hope for the best and take it one day at a time. the best of luck to you and your little ones... both of them!
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