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on 4/26/13 12:39 pm - Miami, FL
Topic: for all you soon to be first time moms

ladies, i just want to say please don't stress about your weight during pregnancy. the important thing is you stay healthy for your baby, get in enough calories, yeah you're gonna go over, yeah you're gonna gain weight, yeah you'll give into cravings. as long as you don't go overboard and you keep your weight gain in check you'll be OK. guess what, pregnant women gain weight. its what they do. i know WLS ppl are super worried about gaining weight back but its for a good reason, your baby. 

and after the baby is here DO NOT STRESS. don't beat yourself up because even women who didn't have WLS, even women who have been skinny all their lives, have a hard time losing the weight after. it took 9 months to put on the weight, it doesn't just magically disappear  (unless you're one of the lucky ones) it takes 9 months to a year to lose it. and the first couple of months you're in NO shape to be working out. your body is going through major major changed quickly and you're dealing with the stress of adjusting to a newborn. you have enough to worry about. give yourself a pass. focus on your baby and adapting to motherhood.

my baby is 4 months old and only now am i capable to even focus on getting back in shape. how can you workout when you're not even sleeping?! now that things have settled into somewhat of a routine i'm able to start. i'm not going crazy either. this is a marathon, not a race. baby steps, gradually working something into your lifestyle means you're more likely to keep up with it than just jumping into something extreme. whether is extreme exercise or DIETS. ugh i hate the word diet. i hate all these people who are the food police. but i digress!!

i just want to give you girls a pass. i want you to know its ok. its gonna take a while and its OK. so many of my friends with kids told me its OK, they went through the same thing. we are our harshest critics. after the baby we still don't fit into old clothes. we look pregnant in maternity clothes. we're in this weird wardrobe limbo. i tried buying new clothes and i look horrible in those too! also its hard to look cute when you spend most of your time in sweats with your hair unwashed and spit up on your clothes. we feel like everyone is watching us. thinking we're still pregnant or still fat. wondering why we're not back to cute yet. but in reality thats US thinking that, not them. no one has said anything to me about my weight. no one has told me to work out or eat better. its really just me. just how i feel. shlubby. and its time now for me to work on getting cute again. i know its gonna take a while. probably till the end of the year and maybe longer than that. but i'm ok with that. until YOU are ready, you and no one else, to get back to where you used to be, just chill. no one expects anything from you. just enjoy your baby. enjoy this journey. give yourself a break.


i just wanted to give my 2 cents.


on 4/26/13 12:22 pm - Miami, FL
Topic: RE: Losing my mucus plug

i should mention i lost it all at once and it was clear with streaks of pink


on 4/26/13 12:21 pm - Miami, FL
Topic: RE: Losing my mucus plug

they say it could be 2 weeks after you lose the mucus plug before you go into labor. or it could be that day. i will say for me it happened like 1 or 2 days before i went into labor. keep us updated!!!


** August *.
on 4/26/13 8:16 am - Newmarket, Canada
Topic: RE: Having a hardd time gining weight

I am the same as you! I am 23 weeks pregnant and look like I have put a couple pounds on. 6 pounds to be exact.

I am under the care of a few specialists and my weight is of no concern to them. They contuine to do ultrasounds and the baby is looking great. I weight approx the same as you. My High Risk OB who works with Gastric By Pass patients said that this is normal - as long as the baby is growing all is good. Basically he said that I am loosing some weight while the baby is gaining. I find that I am eating a lot healthier even more so now that I am pregnant so it makes sense that I loose a little bit of weight. My High Risk OB says to keep doing what I do!

Since your doctor is saying that your baby is measuring just right I think you are good!

All my best in your journey!

** August *.
on 4/26/13 8:08 am - Newmarket, Canada
Topic: Stomach Pain

Good Evening Everyone,


I hope everyone is doing well with their pregnancy. I had my gastric by-pass in May of 2010 and have since become pregnant (currently 23 weeks).

I was wondering if anyone has had pain in their stomach right after they ate? It aches and hurts and I feel awful.

 If I put light pressure on my stomach it hurts. The pain and uncomfortable feeling lasts for quite awhile. Looking forward to hearing any suggestions on how to relieve the pain or what it possibly could be. It is going to take me a week or two to get into the Gastric By Pass Clinic and Tuesday to see my family doctor. I have had this for a couple of days. I thought I was getting a flu bug or something.Thank you,


All my best in your journey!

on 4/26/13 5:09 am
Topic: RE: Losing my mucus plug

With both kids, I lost mine in pieces for a week or two before they were born.  Wasn't until the mucous was bloody that it "meant" anything for me. 

~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

on 4/26/13 2:07 am - San Antonio, TX
Topic: RE: Stacey D....

Thanks for checking in and updating. Good to hear she is cooperating....for now, lol And yes, every pregnancy is different, for sure, I can attest to that!

Lilypie - (8swr) Lilypie - (XAvt)

Stacey D.
on 4/26/13 2:04 am - Harrisonburg, VA
Topic: RE: Stacey D....
Thanks for asking! Just finished another ultrasound and appt after a long week! The dr and i both expected we see babys head on the right as there is a very defined bump; however we were both delighted it was her butt!!! And she turned; I am thrilled! We expect it to be any day now as my body is preparing in all ways. Still not in active labor but contractions I am having are making slow progress. Dr said that the swelling like I am having often happens and he said its just another prep my body is going through this time. Dr says we still need to be aware she is small and there is lots of turning room for her but we are taking the positives today and hoping she arrives soon. Only other new item was I did test positive for the GBS test so antibiotic will be added to the list at delivery. Again not something that happened with number 1. They are really right when they say every pregnancy is different. Will continue to update as we progress! Thanks Stacey


on 4/26/13 1:02 am - San Antonio, TX
Topic: RE: I have finally his ALL my goals! (PCOS and infertility)

Congratulations to you! Great job for reaching your goal for WLS and here is to a happy and healthy pregnancy. 

Lilypie - (8swr) Lilypie - (XAvt)

on 4/26/13 1:01 am - San Antonio, TX
Topic: Stacey D....

Just checking in....any update on your swelling, back pain, or transverse baby....or maybe your little lady is here???? 

Lilypie - (8swr) Lilypie - (XAvt)

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