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I was never formally diagnosed with PCOS, had some of the symptoms but never enough at the same time to qualify for the diagnosis. But I NEVER had a regular period pre-op and I was 37 at the time of surgery. I would have 1-3 periods a year unless on birth control or given progesterone to induce a period (but that didn't induce ovulation). To get pregnant with my boys I took clomid and it did work but I didn't use birth control for more than 12 yrs and only got pregnant with the clomid.
I went on birth control as required post op and then did get a period from the bc. I stopped the bc last summer, got pregnant instantly! Miscarried at 6 weeks and got pregnant again instantly--baby girl was born last week and I got my tubes tied!! Since I am assuming even at 40 that I am now very fertile and I didn't want to go back on hormonal birth control and our family is complete with 2 boys and a girl! So yes just loosing weight can reverse things!
The year before I had surgery I only had one period. The month I had surgery I stared about a week after my surgery and I have been regular sinse. So it regulated my cycle but we haven't started trying to get pregnant yet but I ovulate every month.
Thanks for your information I have a friend that had a son after surgery and she had a few issues with the baby not really her. I didn't know if that was common or not. I was going to make an appointment for a check up before we tried I already started to take some folic acid along with my normal vitiams. I know I will have to see a doctor instead of a midwife I have had two c-sections before so I will proble have to have one again. I know its posible to do a v-back but I don't know who I feel about trying that. With an intestinal adhesion would they have to operate on you while you where pregnant.
Woops - I fixed it
VSG 6/4/2009: I'm 5'4", HW 242, SW 234, CW 155. Size 6 generally.
PS with Dr. Agha 5/14/2012 - LBL, Arm lift, fat transfer to (_:_)
ah okay that makes more sense. sadly my situation didn't resolve itself with weight loss :/ hopefully someone else has had better results
Yes lots of overweight women have conceived. My issue, being overweight is producing too much estrogen which does the same things as birth control. But what happens is the lining of my uterus builds up and causes me to have a cycle for forever. So then I have to take birth control to control that. And of course I'm not going to get pregnant taking birth control. So I guess what I'm asking is did anyone become regular and conceive after surgery.
Thanks, Ladies. I feel a little better knowing other women have been pregnant shortly after the surgery and had healthy babies. I took 2 more tests, both positive. :( My OB took blood today, and I find out for sure tomorrow, but 5 tests later and I'm already pretty sure. I just don't know what to do about it. I do have 2 older daughters, who will be 11 and 13 this summer, and they are already a HUGE help. The father to the youngest three, who is also this one's father, is a huge help and great with all of the kids. But financially... another child is going to make things so much harder than it already is. I know I can still work out, and eat right to lose weight, and I have been taking vitamins (wasn't really on it before but now, I know I NEED to)... taking biotin, vit D, vit B, Iron, Calcium citrate and a centrum multi chew. But I am also on blood pressure meds from my son's pregnancy, and THAT scares me... what if my blood pressure goes crazy with this one??
I have never in my life really considered abortion... but I don't know if this is good for me or my family. :*(