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first of all DON'T WAIT!! don't live in pain. people told me to wait till i was done having kids to have my tummy tuck **** that. i removed 15lbs of skin and fat and can now live a normal life!! i would have been MISERABLE had i waited. there are some thing to wait for, like if you're really not ready, but not because of the chance of this or that. life is too short to be unhappy. go after what you want!!
pregnancy DOES NOT ruin everything!!! please. i gained about 30lbs with my son. not too much. and lost it after childbirth. then the first year is when i put on weight. because i was so stressed out and overwhelmed i wasn't taking care of myself. but i never get anywhere even CLOSE to where i used to be before surgery!! it took me till my son was 1yrs old to get my **** together and focus on my health. and yeah its never ever gonna come off like it did the first 6 months after surgery. why? do you know why we lose weight so fast with WLS? because we go on a liquid diet for 1-2 months and then our portions are tiny so of course there's gonna be a drastic weight loss. but once things even out, you'll never lose that fast again. that doesn't mean you can't lose weight? you just have to do it like everyone else. diet and exercise. weight loss surgery is for people who need serious help to get to a normal weight so that THEY can then get a hold of their own health.
it took me a year of trying different workouts and different ways of eating till i found what worked best for me. i lost weight slowly. very slowly. but i lost it!! so please don't WAIT because of that. pregnancy doesn't NOT ruin your sleeve!!! it might stretch a little because you will have to eat more but the sleeve will always be a sleeve unless YOU abuse it. anyone can stretch out their new stomach. by abusing it. by eating huge portions. just try to not go crazy during pregnancy. watch your portions. watch your sweets, etc. you'll be fine! you have a tool that will help you, forever. if you ever feel like your pouch is stretching, do a pouch test to shrink it back down. i've done it plenty of times. i'm 6 years out, post pregnancy and TTC again and my pouch still works i assure you! :)
hope this puts your mind at ease :)
So this is a long story, bear with me
I found out I have a cyst on my sacroiliac joint that is causing my a lot of pain. I can hardly sit at all. My ortho says I need surgery BUT he suggested I wait until after I have children to have the surgery. He says this is because the act of child birth will essentially ruin any join fusing that takes place.
I am only 8 months post-op, and I was told I was supposed to wait 18 months. I am having this conundrum. Try to get pregnant now? or still wait and live in pain? I want to have 2 children, which means I will be in this pain for a minimum of 2.5 years. I dont know if I can do that.
I also am afraid to get pregnant and ruin my sleeve. I am still about 40 pounds more than I want to be, and i fear that if I get pregnant now, I will never reach my goal.
So here is my question to you all. Is it possible to still lose weight after pregnancy with your sleeve? or does a pregnancy stretch out your sleeve and basically ruin everything the surgery did?
Thank you!

Age: 34 / Height 5' 8" / Starting weight July 2015: 446.0 lbs / Surgery Date & Weight: 1/19/16 - 320.4 / Lost pre-op: 125.6lbs / Goal Weight: 180 lbs
been using Ovia for a couple of months now. my cycles are weird. like they used to be 28 days but since jan they're like 33 days long and i don't ovulate till day 20-22 and my obgyn said that wasn't abnormal but it is for me!! i haven't been on birth control since i TTC the first time in 2011. been trying this time around since jan.
i have pcos. i ask the obgyn to give me metformin but she says it won't help my cycles. it will at best just help me lose weight. but i think it will help bc bringing my sugar levels down i think will help calm the hormones a bit. she says my ovaries are probably covered in cysts and the egg has nowhere to go so my body is pumping hormones in to pu**** out and that causing all these side effects. i have an ultrasound next week to check it out. if thats the case she wants to put me on birth control for 3 months to clear them out then give me a low dose of chlomid to make sure i ovulate. at first i was upset bc that means an entire year is lost. and i'm already 36. but if this will fix the issue then lets ******g do it. i'm sick of all the acne, weight gain, and head games.
on 9/7/16 4:24 pm
From what I've heard from other moms, as long as you control your sugars (food/exercise and insulin as needed) you can be just fine. Hope you get good news from the gyno, I'd love to hear an update! :)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Thank you so much for all the information Julie. I really appreciate it. I will be going to the gynecologist on September 14. I will definitely ask about all the risks involve and what I can do to prevent any complications. God bless.
on 9/6/16 8:32 am
Hi Arcy!
Lots of women end up dealing with diabetes during pregnancy, since you can have it while pregnant even if you've never had blood sugar problems before. Most OB's are really familiar with it, though you may want to find an OB who handles "high risk" pregnancies and will likely have more experience.
If your blood sugar isn't under control, there's a higher risk of birth defects-- especially in the first trimester when all of the organs are forming. Uncontrolled blood sugar can also lead to a very large baby, which can make it very hard to have a vaginal delivery! So your doctor will definitely want to keep a close eye on things.
The good news is that you are able to take insulin during pregnancy with no problem. It doesn't cross the placenta, and it's not going to affect the baby. Your doses will probably be different than before, since your body is busy growing a tiny human and all, but I imagine you can just keep testing your sugars and adjusting the amount you take.
Have you had a pre-conception checkup with your OBGYN? He or she can help you figure out if there's anything you need to do in addition to checking your sugars.
So excited for you!! :)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
I am currently trying to conceive but I am wondering if anyone has gotten pregnant post op and is a diabetic. I am 44 years old and I want to have a baby. I don't have any kids but would love to have a baby. I just want to know the risks involved if anyone can give me any information on what they have experience post op. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
on 9/2/16 4:08 pm
How are you tracking ovulation? Counting cycle days? Basal temperature? Test strips? You can get an app (I used Ovia) that will help you keep track of all of that and tell you GO FOR IT TODAY, more or less.
I bought a box of ovulation tests, just the cheap pee-on-a-strip ones, and that was really helpful since I was coming off Mirena and didn't have a period. Definitely worth the $20!
How long have you been trying? How long have you been off BC?

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
well still trying. i can't believe it never dawned on me that you basically get one shot. one week a month to go for it. lol.
hormones are improving a bit since i started a regular exercise regimen, more intense. i actually was able to figure out ovulation this month. only had sex once. once was enough. lol. with a toddler, a husband who works long hours, and trying to build you own business, i have no energy or desire for sex. lol.
i haven't been able to get in to see a gyno bc unless its for something specific i can't go till my annual check up. but my appt is this week. i'm scheduled to get my period this week so...we'll see how that goes. i want to at least talk to her about getting on metformin. i really think it could help with my cycles.
anyway just wanted to check in. keep you guys posted.
Very possible - I have PCOS. Was told I couldn't have children because of it, and there wasn't hope for assistance to get pregnant since my health wasn't considered stable (had a Dr flat out tell me he wouldn't help me with getting infertility treatments due to my health issues. Had surgery 3/2006, pregnant 3/2007. I have had 2 healthy pregnancies since RNY - no assistance needed. My PCOS was very well managed with weight loss - cycles became normal and that allowed me to ovulate. in fact, husband had vasectomy to prevent further pregnancies. My body couldn't do anymore - had complications due to the way I carried babies. (Couldn't even tell I was pregnant).