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Thank you for taking the time to respond. That's hopeful news ?
on 12/30/16 10:39 am
Do you have an OB yet? I found that having a doctor with some experience with other WLS patients was super helpful. I let my eating slide off track quite a bit (got pregnant at 13 months post-op) but it was within the doctor's OK. Having my surgeon on board was important too, he's had lots of women get pregnant post-op and had some great advice.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
on 12/30/16 10:37 am
I don't have any personal experience, but my surgeon mentioned a study where they followed women who had a baby before surgery, and then had one after. There was a TON of improvement with the post-op pregnancy, the baby ended up healthier and the pregnancies had fewer complications. :)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
I've had 4 pregnancies and 3 live births, my first pregnancy of identical twin girls resulted in complications and they passed away around 18 weeks gestation. All of my pregnancies with the exception of my son were awful pregnancies. My sons pregnancy was directly following the loss of my twins. I was 180 when I became pregnant with him and gained 50lbs. Fast forward 7 years and I was 230 pregnant with my daughter and gained 50. 14 months later I was 267 pregnant with my next daughter and gained 35lbs. I had vsg a month ago and am now 235lbs (down 30 yay) and plan to lose 90-100lbs more. My last two pregnancies were terrible on my back/hips/pelvis. I could hardly walk, it was so bad. This is the sole reason I said I was done after my last. I would love one more, but the level of pain during my last two just rendered me useless to everyone. Does anyone have any experience with terrible obese pregnancies followed by not so bad pregnancies after weight loss?
So we had an oops! I thought I was ovulating the week after we were intimate but it was during that time. Anyway, here I am 7 weeks and my first appt. next Tuesday. I hope everything is going well w/ the little bean and I am trying to stay on track, but I see myself cave in to small little cravings more than I usually do. It's frustrating and I am stuck between - eat it and NO!!! You've lost all this weight.
Anyway, I am getting back on track and just going to make sure that I eat my small high protein meals. Anyway been through this before your year w/ any recommendations/ tips?
This is a few months old so I'm hoping you are on track but I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007 when I was 23. For almost 10 years now I have been treated with birth ontrol, metformin and spironolactone. Last year we started TTC and my GYN said stop the birth control and stay on the other two until I was pregnant, then stop spironolactone and keep taking metformin. I didn't get pregnant last year so went back on bc for 6 months and then we have TTC since May. My cycles were 25 days for 5 months, now I am at day 39 and waiting. I will go back on birth control and try again next year.
All this to say...I started treatment with an Endocrinologist. My OB/GYN is not an expert in metabolic diseases like PCOS. it is really a misnomer because the cysts on the ovaries are a symptom of high testersoterone and altered insulin signaling. The cysts are actually follicles that mature partially but never get the signal to fully mature and release the egg.
PCOS is a passion of mine and I hope you will go see an endocrinologist or see a different OB/GYN
hi all. I wanted to know if anyone else had this happen: I found out I'm pregnant when I went to get my second depo shot... I'm two years out from surgery and we're excited but I just don't understand how this happened?! Anyone else?? Anyone know why??
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HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
on 11/14/16 12:06 pm
I had VSG, not RNY, but my son born after surgery was (and is) AMAZINGLY healthy! He turned a year old on Halloween, and he's incredibly happy and active and smart and pretty much the best kid ever. (Yes, I am biased!) No worries at all.
My surgeon mentioned that there was a study of women who had one kid before WLS, and another kid after. From what I remember, every single baby born after surgery was healthy-- healthier than their sibling!
The thing I was told is that you need to focus on QUALITY of nutrition over quantity. It's hard, because all I wanted to eat when I was pregnant were peanut butter sandwiches, but if you eat good things and lots of protein, your baby should be just fine.
Make sure you get in to see your surgeon ASAP while pregnant, s/he can give you some advice, and hopefully your OB will have some experience with WLS patients as well.
Congratulations!! :)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Hi all!
This is my 1st post on this forum. I am 9ish weeks pregnant with my 2nd child (1st after RNY) I am a few years post op now and had just started gaining some weight back (20 lbs).
For some reason I have this unease feeling that this child is going to be malnourished or deformed or something because of the RNY. I just need some resources with suggested eating and maybe some stories of people having healthy (or even not healthy) babies post RNY.
I have definitely forgotten ALL the rules - my 1st set of blood work showed that I am borderline anemic so I am taking iron and prenatal supplements plus some others like B12 and calcium. My cravings are all sugar and I am having a hard time eating meats they just feel like a lump in my tummy and I get very tired after eating.
Tips stories and links would be a big help!
Thank you all