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on 4/18/17 9:34 am
I got pregnant 13 months after VSG, and I was queasy 24/7 for my entire first trimester. It SUCKED! Dehydration made it even worse, so I carried a water bottle with me everywhere I went and tried to sip as often as I could.
Make sure your surgeon knows that you are pregnant, and s/he can help advise an eating plan. It's important to get quality nutrition for the both of you, and you'll need to adjust your vitamins as well.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Congrats!!!! I completely understand! I have gotten so heavy that I no longer ovulate so this surgery is going to be a kick start...but now I just keep think maybe I don't want any with in the next year? I have already started saving for plastics and he is quite upset as he see this as me changing my mind and it sucks. I was so scared that I'd get pregnant as soon as I loose 25-30lbs I'm getting back on BC this !!! I am frustrated because I do want a baby but not right now I wanna loose all the weight I can loose first then start trying again I want to have a all baby bell ya know! I know that we will have one but just maybe not as soon as he want! I'm excited for you its a blessing just came sooner then you expected !
Hello everyone !
I am now officially two months post op from having vsg & have found out that I am nearly 7 weeks pregnant ( ahhhh ). I have battled severe nausea for a good 3 weeks now ( 2 of those 3 me just assuming that it was the surgery until the puking started and I found out I was pregnant )
I've only know I was pregnant for about a week now and have already been hospitalized for 3 days due to severe dehydration. I can barely get any food or drinks Down !!
I've done very little research and have seen that because of the surgery my nausea is heightened. My surgeon and ob have labeled me a high risk pregnancy and are already keeping me out of work for 2 weeks because even walking makes me nausous !!
I wish I was making all of this up lol it's been a rollercoaster ride of a week. A part of me is ecstatic since me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years and one of purposes of getting the surgery was to get pregnant. But on the other side I'm concerned for the health of both of us. I'm here just looking for some hope !!

Women have a weight threshold where ovulation stops. For some it's fairly low others get pregnant weighting 300+ pounds. Many overweight woman continue to have periods and don't realize they are not ovulating unless they want to get pregnant and seek medical care.
In many cases it only takes a 10% weight loss to trigger ovulation. Unfortunately your ovulate before you get your period... I don't understand why so many bariatric surgeon don't cover this pre op.
The baby doesn't need much at this point but you do. Make sure your multiple vitamins contain folic acid and take your calcium supplement as directed. As others have said call your primary or GYN and get an ASAP appointment. Meanwhile try not to worry.
Hey, I am still pre-op - however during my pregnancy with my daughter I had A LOT of spotting - actually thought I had my period (but found out shortly after I was pregnant) My spotting lasted off and on for the first 12 weeks. I have a healthy, vibrant 2 year old.

5'0 - SW - 240LBS | Lap Band - August 2015| Revision Band to RNY Surgery - May 16, 2017| Opti-fast - 9lbs | G.W - 150LBS | CW - 165LBS |
Anyone else get considered high risk because of their surgery? What did it mean for you?

HW 284; SW 270; CW 152; Revised GW 140-160
on 3/3/17 11:10 am
I have 5 1/2 month old twins (4 years after WLS). I continued to take my Nature's Blend High Potency Multivitamin every day and added in a prenatal chewable vitamin at night. I had to start taking extra Vit A, Calcium, Fe, and B12 by the end of pregnancy. Those little fetuses ate all my vitamins and minerals! :-)
My hospital has a bariatric surgery dietician that works with pregnant women. Here is what she recommended for Fe.
"We have started recommending the following iron available only from the manufacturer.
Ferrimin 150 (Ferrous Fumarate with 150mg Iron elemental iron PER tablet)
Take one a day
Another brand that works well for post-bariatric surgery patients is Ferretts.
You can buy it online here: tablets/
You can also increase your iron rich foods:
beans, clams, beef, lentils, liver, oysters, shrimp, and turkey.
Foods that enhance dietary absorption of iron include broccoli, grapefruit, oranges, peppers and strawberries. Foods that decrease dietary absorption of iron include coffee, dairy products, soy products, spinach, and tea."
I am about 10 months post VSG and 16 weeks pregnant. This is my 4th and yes...this time around has been so much easier. I've been lucky to have any physically uncomfortable pregnancies but what I have noticed the most is the round ligament pain and lower back aches are non existent this go around.
My first in 08'-09' I got pregnant at 214 and gained 30 lbs. Round ligament pain came later but was there. If I walked up a hill or walked to long it would hurt.
2nd in 10' I got pregnant at 230 and gained 20 lbs. I got the round ligament pain early and was a little more intense.
3rd in 14' was my heaviest 277. I ended up losing about 18 lbs that pregnancy but round ligament pain and lower back aches started at around 11 weeks and lasted until delivery. I had chronic HBP and due to pre-e had my youngest at 26.3 weeks.
This go around I am at the smallest and have not had any pain or uncomfortable feelings. My BP is great. I feel this one will be much easier. Keep up your weight loss!

When I first found out in Dec. we were expecting I caved in. I had the sweets and carbs you name it. I was at 164 and within two weeks went up to 171. When I got on the scale at my first OB appt I was mortified! I got back on the healthy eating and eating every 2 hours smaller portions to help w/ my heartburn and that helped. Last OB appt on 2/8 I was 166. I still 'indulge' now and then but limit carbs as much as I can. I think what has helped is eating my smaller portions and every two hours. So if I want something that has a carb it's really small portioned. I will be 1 year post op VSG on April 28th so I basically have gone back to my 3-4 oz a meal and I think that has helped w/ the weight gain. I secretly am afraid to gain but I know it's normal. I will be 16 weeks tomorrow. I wouldn't limit carbs so much but I would stay away from the carbonation just because it really does fill you up and no nutrition at all. At least we can add some nutrition to the carb! :) Spinach crescent rolls? :)
I try to limit my carbs but haven't tracked it. I am being so lazy! haha...I would add in natural carbs like from fruits and veggies verses grains. Sweet potatoes, peas, carrots things like that.