Back again!
Well I'm back. I was here in 2012. My son is now 3.5 and I'm trying for baby #2
Tomorrow i I will be 36yrs old and I think it's working against me. I used to have normal cycles till Jan of this year when they started going to 30-33 days. :/ in March I swore j was pregnant. I had all the symptoms and was a few days late. Then I got my period. That was painful. April I didn't even try bc I didn't want the heartache. I had my period in time day 30. Last month I tried and the same thing that happened in march Happened. I was late, had all the symptoms, then got my period 4 days late. I'm convinced I got pregnant both times and it went away. I had a very early miscarriage before my son. I have PCOS but it's under control As is my weight and diet. But it's like this year some clock went off and my hormones went all outta whack.
Has this happened to anyone else? Any advice? I'm gonna start charting my temps and I bought some ovulation tests as I find myself clueless. I used I know exactly when I ovulated bc I was always on time. Sigh.
Any advice or....anything that might boost fertility? Naturally? I don't want to go to hormones. That is my last resort.
on 6/2/16 1:22 pm
My periods were funky post-op and I had an IUD, so I bought a box of ovulation tests. Not the fancy digital ones, just a bunch of strips that you dunk in a cup of pee. They were much more helpful than taking my temperature!
Have you tried a fertility phone app? I used one called Ovia (I think?) where I could put in my basal temperature, test results, cervical mucus, and discharge. That really helped me to figure things out and it gives an alert for the few days you should really "go for it!"

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Hey Meli! I was on this board with you back in 2012! I had a second baby in 2015 and he is 15 months old now. I needed fertility treatment with my first and my second was a surprise! I got pregnant when I went back on metformin. It really helps give stronger ovulations for us girls with pcos. And it's not a fertility drug. You could look into it. Good luck! We are done having babies. I need to lose all my regain now :/
Hey Nikki!! Congrats on baby #2!!! You know what? Thanks for mentioning that. It had not even occurred to me. I've taken metformin before and I didn't have any bad side effects like fertility drugs. And it couldn't hurt to have some extra help with my sugars. And if it's gonna help with ovulation then sign me up!! I was even dreading having to get back on birth control to regulate my period but this is a miuuuuuuuch better option. Thank you so much! I'm gonna talk to me doctor about it!