Pregnant and In Shock....
So I tried to get pregnant between 2008-2011 I was told that due to Endometriosis, PCOS and issues with my tubes that I would most likely not be able to get pregnant without going thru artificial insemination. My daughter is 12 and I accepted the fact that I would have 1 child. Well I'm 6 months post op VSG went to the doctor for nausea which I thought was due to a sinus infection and was told I'm pregnant!!....I'm a ball of emotions....Happy, nervous, concerned etc etc....Any advice would be great. I believe I'm about 7 weeks will confirm with my OB on Monday.
first off Congrats to you and the other ladie that comment under. I got pregnant at 4 months out from wls. I got the sleeve done. I was married for 6 years and gave up on trying to became pregnant. Decided to lose weight to look better and travel the world well 3periods after weight loss and the 4th one never cam =) I was Pregnant after 6years of trying. I was super scared my baby wouldn't get enough nutrients bt everything was fine. I kept lossing weight untill 5 months preg. lost 40 pounds. Stayed with those 40 pounds off and at 7months preg. started to gain . By the day of labor I had gain 25pounds of the 40 i lost. I breastfeed for 2 months and those 25 pound and 10 more where gone in those two month. So ladies enjoy your pregnancy and stick to the plan. really no need to eat more beacuse your preg. maybe 300 calories more but thats it. That was told by my Dr. to me.
Thanks for the advice. I've lost about 9 pounds so far but I've been eating more this week. Do you remember when you were able to see and hear the heartbeat. I went yesterday and we saw the sac but no heartbeat yet. I'm measuring right at 6 weeks. I was fine with one child but now that im pregnant I just want everything to go well.