Second + baby
I know that a second time baby tends to come sooner than a first time baby...although not always...just curious how many weeks everyone else was when they delivered their second (plus) baby?? I am almost 36 weeks and starting to get nervous a bit as we have some things going on this month and the coming months! My DH has been super busy with work and is doing some training right on my due date...then starting End of Sept/ beginning of Oct. thru March I will be a single mom of 2...he was asked to be a training officer which will likely lead to a significant promotion! It is 6 months a bit nervous to have my 5 year old son and a newborn!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
Thanks for the reply! I should add that my son was born at 40 weeks 3 days and he was a 10 hour 3 min labor...not sure how long pushing was...but I know it wasn't a long long time! My water broke at from the time that happened and he was born wasn't a long labor!
My hubby is a state police...they are getting ready for the next cadet class coming in...right now is doing a bunch of backgrounds and then when it starts in Oct. he will be one of the training officers for the next 6 months! If this one hangs on until its due date it will only be a few weeks old when my husband has to leave! My 5 year old only goes to school 2x a week this year for that sucks a bit...but we will manage!
Thanks again!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
I knew that your little girl held on longer than your son! Lol...but wow she was a fast labor for you! Hoping this one wont be long....but not that quick...especially since my family is a ways away and need to travel to get here...otherwise my son may get the true birth experience! Haha! :)
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our
Well i had all my babies early but my 2nd was the one i carried the longest at 37wks water broke 18hr labor pushed 2hr the c-section. My first was 35.5wks water broke and labored for almost 24hrs and pushed out in 5min. My 3rd was 36wks 6hr labor and 10min pushing. All three were healthy happy babies and went home at regular times (first had to pass carseat test prior to release due to prematurity). Also, on a side note there is 5yrs between #2 and #3 which was WAAAYYY easier than the 3yrs between 1 and 2 so don't sweat it too much it's not that bad.
Good Luck
I am stressing myself out about this...there isn't anything I can do at this point....but my anxiety is over the roof! I may have to talk to my OB about this...although I think I will feel better after my Appt this week....and she will check me so I know where I stand!
Good to know the 5 year gap isn't too bad! I an a bit nervous to be by myself with 2 little ones...but it is for the best and I encouraged my DH to do this! He will do great!!
Thanks for the reply! :)
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our