8 months pregnant
Hi everyone, I have a few questions i would like to ask. I am having shooting pains in my private area usually right after cramping in my stomach. is this normal or should i be worried? I am 8 months pregnant and having a c section on the 16 due to a hip replacement i had done in oct. Also i know this may sound stupid but this is my first time being pregnant but other then a big gush of water coming out how does it feel when your water breaks? Thank you for reading this.
Sounds pretty normal. I used to get stopped in my tracks by the "knife in my vagina" at the end of both my pregnancies.
Water breaking is different for everyone. For some, it is like a cork popping and a gush, for others a slow trickle, and for most, it gets broken by the doc. Congrats on your first pregnancy, and good luck on the 16th!
I didn't have the shooting pain with my first, but I sure do with this baby! It almost feels like a tube the runs down and the shooting pains run down it! (Not a Dr.) But I think it has to do with how the baby is laying...at least in my case! This baby likes to lay the wrong way and pinch on my nerves!
As far as water breaking...like the pp said, it really is different for everyone and for most people the Dr. Breaks it...for my first I was sleeping in bed...at midnight I got up to pee and all of a sudden a gush came out as I got up...went to the bathroom not sure what it was...when I got up again more came...it didn't stop....it wasn't a ton of liquid but I knew it wasn't urine since it didn't stop! After that things picked up and contractions started in for me! 10 hours and 3 minutes later my boy was born! Good luck on your c-section! Won't be long now!
Becca -9/2007
-10/2012 (Forever in our