Hi girls!
So the TWW was up on last Friday and so far all pregnancy tests have been negative. I am on cycle day 35 today and my period has been starting around cycle day 36 so I am just sitting here waiting for it to show up. I don't have any PMS symptoms like usual....it's kinda strange because normally, I have really sore breasts, increased appetite, cramps, mood swings, the whole bit but I feel normal right now.....who knows! If no visit from Aunt Flo this weekend I will call the doc on Monday to see about a blood test.
It's kinda funny, but for me going through this is really tough so you have to find some humor in it or you might go insane! My husband and I were taking about the negative tests and the what the hell are we going to do with the rest of of our lives conversation, and out of the blue he says "Well listen, if no baby comes we can just get a new Camaro instead, at least they can't talk back or date boys with neck tattoos!) bahabhbahahah!!! We cracked up for about two days over that one!!
Anyway I will keep ya updated :)
RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133