Really early pregnancy symptoms..anyone have them?
So I am in the last stretch of the Two Week Wait.....also known as the longest two weeks of your life! I can take a pregnancy test on Saturday, but I was just curious if any of you ladies had pregnancy symptoms really early out and what were they? Or did anyone have no symptoms or clues at all?
Thanks Girls :)
RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133
With my first post op pregnancy, I took test a few days prior to my period coming and it was negative (I did early because we were going to an amusement park). Two days after my period should have come around, I tested positive. With this one, I felt like I was going to start my period any day, so I really didn't know it was going to be a big fat +. With my second one, I had only been off the mirena for about 30 days, and had one spotty period right after removed. I woke up (actually on a business trip) and my boobs hurt, I went right to target and test was positive, this was days before I would have started my period. So it's not abnormal to be feeling some of the symptoms, but like I said they can feel just like you are going to start your period too....good luck, your almost there! Stacey
I have to agree with a previous poster... I was about 7 weeks when I started feeling the changes in my body...tired,sickness and more frequent urination.
One thing I did experience within a few days of conceiving is VERY sensitive breasts. But I usually got that around my period anyway so I didn't think anything about it.
Good luck
I am 5 weeks and 1 day prego. lol. the one day sounds funny to say. The only symptoms I had at 4 weeks prego and till now is cramps. I cramp all the time. It feels like period cramps but more consistent. I havent experienced breast tenderness at all. I do pee alittle more then usually but nothing too obvious. and i had a few days of fatigue but now I dont. I am thingking at 6 - 7 weeks it will pick up....hope this helps
Wow thank you so much for all the replies!
I am seriously sitting here at work reading these posts and cracking up on "baseball bat boobs" lol that's awesome!
I took the test Saturday and it was negative my period is late by two days, but that's not so unusual for me as I was on cycle day 36 last month when my period finally showed up. I think I will wait a few more days and if nothing by Friday I will re test.
Thanks again girls :)
RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133