Question for anyone out there...could be TMI, read with caution
So I am 37 weeks and yesterday felt like total crap! Rested from time I got home until I woke up this AM. Here is my question...last night I noticed that my private area is extremely swollen and on one side when I wipe I can feel like a hardness. Yesterday the baby cramped in a ball all day causing most of my discomfort. This morning I am feeling alot of cramping in my back, but like I am getting ready to start my period. My first baby wasn't like this, never had this type of swelling, and I figured out what labor was but last time wasn't in my lower back. Anyone felt like this? Thinking it's my body preparing for labor but just wanted to know if anyone else experience the swelling, etc. I am being very aware of how I am feeling because this baby is transverse and dr said not to let myself go into active hard labor before coming to the hospital....
Any experiences, or thoughts would be appreciated! Stacey
I did not have the swelling but felt awful from about 37 1/2 weeks till delivery at 39 weeks. Slept a lot, lots of abdominal and back pain, sometimes related to contractions sometimes just continuous. And would have times of severe perineal pain when I stood up from where the babies head was--I am 4 days post c-section and say even with the pain from the surgery and sleep deprived I feel better now than the last week of being pregnant!