April Update
This month has been a whirlwind! I finally got my luteal phase over 12 days by taking progesterone last month. I started Femara on day 3 this month and went in today for what was supposed to be a check up to measure follicle sizes. We were a little late, though and I'd ovulated some point within 24 hours. So, we did an IUI this morning instead. DH's sperm was the best it has been in the past 4 moths. We're hoping since we've found out he has a Vitamin D deficiency that his levels will continue to improve with supplements. In the doctors words "normal couples have a 25% chance each month of conceiving, with what you had to work with today, you have a 10% chance. Better then the 0% chance you've had in the last 4 months!" So, we're taking our 10% chance and running with it. I'm hoping the odds are in our favor this month. Maybe tax day can be lucky for something. 2WW... HERE WE COME!