DEAR OBGYN delieverying my baby...
Dear OBGYN, sorry but I don't think I will have smooth legs for delivery!
Okay ladies, I shaved my legs for what could be for the last time the other night as I was getting ready for Easter Service at church (was wearing a dress) . I could do it for Jesus, just don't think the OBGYN ranks up there enough to do it again..
Anyone else feeling my pain?
I don't know how far along you are but it sounds like you're close to being due, but I understand regardless. I'm 20 weeks and my leg shaving aversion is due more to me just being tired all the time and not really caring how hairy they get. My thoughts on the whole OB/GYN thing is that they've probably seen worse, lol. That's how I get through my yearly's and everything else is that I know my stuff can't possibly be the worst, but you never know :)
I wish I could slack on leg shaving. I have blonde hair, and not a whole lot of leg hair to begin with, so it would easily go unnoticed if I gave it up. However, I feel like after a week it is uncomfortable in bed, like it rubs the wrong way on the sheets, and I always end up having to find a way (and the time) to do it. Grrr!