ttc update
(deactivated member)
on 3/3/13 5:56 am
on 3/3/13 5:56 am
Nope not pregnant.... yet, but thought I would update....
I did finally see an RE last month.did blood work and all came back normal except my ovaian reserve ;-( At only 24yo I have low ovarian reserve 8-( its 0.9 and for my age should be around 1.5+
I had a hsg which hurt like a mutha! That showed that my tubes were both open though one side was very slow to fill and thicker than the other. I also have adhesions which they say are from my c-section. Needless to say I was devastated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We took a month off everything d/t a residual follicle that as at the wrong place at the wrong time basically. So this cycle we had a game plan in place. I took clomid 100mg cd3-7 and have a sonogram on cd9(Fri) which showed TWO follicles. One was perfect measuring a 20 and the other slightly smaller at 16/17. I took the trigger shot that night. Yesterday I had slight pain on my L side and today has been more severe cramping on my R side. I am praying for 1 miracle though 2 would be just as amazing!!!! D/t my low reserve and us wanting 2 more children to make 3 she said after we had baby #2 to come right back to get pregnant with baby #3. Time is most definitely NOT on my side :-( she wanted ivf but they all push that for the $ but once she knew we would never do ivf (for multiple reasons) she said that she thought I could get pg on my own with some help. We will try this method (clomid+trigger shot+timed intercourse) for a couple of months and if no bfp then move to IUI.
I pray this is our month!!!! Please pray or send positive energy, mojo....whatever our way!
We did BD 2 Fri and today and will again tonight and on Tuesday for good measure. I want to believe that this cycle will b our bfp cycle!
(deactivated member)
on 3/4/13 1:14 am
on 3/4/13 1:14 am
Thank you! I asked my RE about it and she said she wanted me to stay in clomid since I responded to the 100mg. I responded this cycle and had Two follicles ready to go :-) praying that at least one gets fertilized!!!!! Ekkk so excited, I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but I can't help it :-)
(deactivated member)
on 3/4/13 2:53 am
on 3/4/13 2:53 am
Thank you!
I know, thank goodness I am proactive and not just a sit and "let's wait" type. My mom went through menopause early, in fact right after I was born, she was 36/37. I KNEW, I just knew I had a low reserve. I told my hubby right before the appointment, he couldn't believe I was right. I washoping to be wrong, but like you said, I am now armed with knowledge. Praying a bfp is 12 days away!!!!!!!! :-)