TTC update
(deactivated member)
on 2/10/13 11:54 pm
on 2/10/13 11:54 pm
Its been a while since I've posted an update. I have my first appointment with our RE on Feb 1st. She did an ultrasound which showed a residual follicle from the precious cycle. Since it was there and "large" for that day in my cycle (cd4) she said it was basically a dud and this cycle would be out. I was upset , disappointed tosay the least. They drew labs and we scheduled an appointment for an hsg.
I had the hsg on feb8 the and was awful!!!! Super painful, I mean shaking like a leaf and almost passing out kind of pain. I really think this dr was just rough, even when we walked him he said it was gonna hurt like hell. Anyways, my tubes are clear-YAY! BUT I do have adhesions
he wouldn't go into detail but said I would get a better report when I have my follow up appointment with my RE on the 22nd.
My hubby had a sperm analysis completed and the mobility and # was good
but "some" of his sperm was the wrong shape. They didn't tell me exactly how much, again will go more in depth at our f/u appt. So he is now taking some vitamins that are supposed to help with that.
Also, I have thrown away ALL my gummies and am not taking prenatal with dha, b12 sub lingual, calcium citrate, vit d, and folic acid. That's AMAZING since all I would take is gummies and not nearly everything that I have been needing.
Hopefully we are taking the right steps to lead us to a bfp!
Wish the 22nd would hurry up, I NEED to have a game plan like NOW
Wishing all you ladies ttc tons of sticky baby dust and belly rubs to all the preggos
I had the hsg on feb8 the and was awful!!!! Super painful, I mean shaking like a leaf and almost passing out kind of pain. I really think this dr was just rough, even when we walked him he said it was gonna hurt like hell. Anyways, my tubes are clear-YAY! BUT I do have adhesions

My hubby had a sperm analysis completed and the mobility and # was good

Also, I have thrown away ALL my gummies and am not taking prenatal with dha, b12 sub lingual, calcium citrate, vit d, and folic acid. That's AMAZING since all I would take is gummies and not nearly everything that I have been needing.
Hopefully we are taking the right steps to lead us to a bfp!
Wish the 22nd would hurry up, I NEED to have a game plan like NOW

Wishing all you ladies ttc tons of sticky baby dust and belly rubs to all the preggos

Sounds like you have a good plan in place! Good luck! I hope the doctor is insightful and has the answers you're needing. I'll be thinking about you on the 22nd!
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