Never thought I would get here, but here I am! After being treated for fertility in 2009/2010 for "unexplained infertility" and being told that losing weight may help, I had the sleeve. We started trying again 11 months later with dr.'s approval and nothing happened so we went back to the reproductive endocrinologist to repeat some tests. Turns out I have dimished ovarian reserve and have very few eggs left (my AMH is 0.43 for those who know what that means). We were given the option to do another IUI or go straight to IVF which is what the RE recommended. So here we are! I take my last birth control pill today and start lupron on wednesday and stims on friday. 5 injections daily during stimming and the intramuscular PIO shots after the retrieval which is scheduled for the week of 2/11. Would love any positive mojo and thoughts/prayers anyone can muster that this time will work for us and we'll have a healthy pregnancy and baby to take home! :)