Clomid Survey
Last month I was prescribed Clomid (50 mg), took it on days 5-9, did OPK's get a positive test on day 14-15, did the BD'ing and ended up with a BFN and AF showed up yesterday (yup, Merry Christmas to me!). AF showed up as she should have on day 28. I have 5 more refills of Clomid 50 mg to be used. So here's my questions:
-How many months did you use Clomid?
-What was your dosage?
-How long did it take you to get PG/BFP?
Side note- my DH is our fertility issue (low count) and I just turned 41, I know that our chances are low on getting PG but I am willing to take those chances.
on 12/26/12 12:05 am
I know that there are certain time limitations /guidelines for those ttc with low sperm count, though I am not sure of what they are (but I am sure Google knows lol
My Dr said even with clomid and knowing if you for sure ovulated there is only a 25% chance to get pg so it may take several cycles. I pray that you get a bfp quickly!
Have they done an X-ray to see if your tubes are open?
Have you asked your dr when he will become more aggressive and what the next steps may be, maybe an IUI would be better since he has a low count?
Thanks for the reply Melanie. We both went through a full fertility work-up and I am I "good to go", the only thing that I have working against me is my age. The GYN was hoping that the Clomid would help me ovulate more than one egg helping our chances. The doc did talk about an IUI and even IVF, but since my DH already has 2 boys from his previous marriage, we were hoping (even the doc) that we could do things the natural way without having to get more "invasive".
Good Luck to you Melanie!
i can understand the not wanting to get more invasive like IVF. from what I understand it's not a comfortable experience. although with the IUI, it's a syringe up the uterus and i personally didn't even feel it, so i'd say it's far less evasive and might possibly give you a better shot since your DH has low count if it were to come to that. although does he have good motility even if he's got low count? in any case, here's to hoping that it's not necessary and you conceive on your own naturally. :) good luck.
Prior to surgery when I used clomid I was pregnant the 1st 2 times on the first cycle-miscarried one and the other is ds-- that was the 50 mg dose. With DS 2 I moved up to 150 mg of clomid and it was 5 months I think before I got pregnant.
BTW we were told dh had a low sperm count with the first specimen but the 2nd didn't show and I have 2 kids, 2 miscarriages and am pregnant so we don't think the low sperm count was correct.
i have PCOS. my ovaries are irregular at best. i took clomid for roughly six months before doc swapped me out because it was making me crazy. started at 50mg. didn't ovulate. bumped to 100mg. didn't ovulated, finally on the third month at 150mg i started ovulating. after three months of that, i was moved over to 5mg of Letrozole/Femara for about three months. In October, I ovulated on my own without Letrozole and got pregnant through IUI. I'm 36.
I took clomid for about 5 months. I started at the lowest dosage and ended up at the highest dosage to no avail. I ovulated maybe twice and both times that I ovulated my follicles were a little immature. I was then switched to Femara I have taken it for two months and nothing has happened. So just still waiting.
Victoria, Have you tried IUI at all yet? IUI with clomid would probably be your best bet to help you overcome DH's issues and to give you a boost as well. It's not too expensive... about $400 I believe. Luckily my insurance covers 6 rounds for us. IUI is really not very invasive. Not compared to IVF at least. Good luck!