Morning Sickness
I had RNY 1/13/12 and just found out I am 6 weeks pregnant. I'm ok with that and have set my 1st prenatal visit up for 1/7/13. My problem is I am suffering from severe morning sickness, the kind where I can barely sip any water without wanting to vomit. I have tried crackers and peppermints and they help for a little bit if at all. Is there anything I can do to help or am I going to need medical intervention?
Try anything liquid. I know I had to drink Kool-aid (made with stevia) and sprite mixed for the first trimester. After that I could drink water but it had to be ice cold. Call your OB now and tell them how miserable you are. You might need medical help but you will call it a life saver. I was hospitalized over night I was so sick. Zofran was my best friend ever! I was on the maximum dose they give to pregnant women and I was still sick as a dog most days. I also tried ginger anything I could get my hands on. Preggo pops did nothing for me.
Good luck with this.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
preggy pops did nothing for me. ginger ale (made from actual ginger not artificial garbage) helped some, but i had to wait until it was flat or it just made it worse. my doctor also prescribed B-Nexa which is a prenatal with ginger and B6 i think it is, mixed in with the vitamin to help with morning sickness. it's worked really well in combination with the weekly acupuncture that i get because the vitamins by themselves don't work for me. my insurance clause regarding acupuncture works specifically with pain management and morning sickness so that's also handy.
Yeah I had to use Zofran up until about 12 weeks. I threw up almost everyday, both my lunch and my supper. The preggo pops helped my stomach calm down a little bit. There were days when the zofran wouldn't touch my sickness. I know what it's like. Don't let it get out of control. Thats what the meds are there for.
Thanks all!! My problem now is that I just got my insurance back, I didn't make enough to buy private medical, made too much for gov't assistance, and my job doesnt offer it. So i went to make an appt with my PCP and Ob/Gyn and no one can get me in until next week, which normally wouldnt be an issue but I am going out of town tomorrow for Christmas. My stomach has settled down some and I have been able to eat and drink a little. but I am still worried about it. No one will call me in anything without seeing me...and no one can see me before I leave.... What would you do ladies?