lost my mucus plug. this baby is coming today!
ok so...last night around 10:30 i started to get contractions. they came about every 10 min and lasted 30 sec. this went on till about 2am. but they were very very mild. so i chalked it up to BH and decided to get some rest. then around 5am i was awoken by contractions. again i'm thinking its nothing serious bc no water breaking, no mucus plug, no discharge at all. so no need to worry. try to go back to sleep. i hardly slept at all. but i couldn't go back to sleep. around 6:45 i decided to get up so i could drink some water and sit on my exercise ball (because laying down was NOT comfortable). The second i closed the door of the bedroom i passed gas, oops better go to the bathroom. had a BM and then when i wiped there it was. one hell of a mucus plug. half clear, half reddish pink. i had to take a picture. lol. anyway i was stunned. and excited. :) so i called my midwife around 7:30 and she said to have a good breakfast and call back at 9am. she also said to time the contractions from the begining of one to the begining of the next. which is hard b****ep getting distracted running around getting things ready. so i'm missing a few.
but they seem to be coming every few min. i feel like i'm doing it wrong bc she says they want me to come in when it gets to 5 min. but since i said they're not that strong maybe she thinks i'm not ready. i dunno. i don't want to be having horrible contractions on the 40 min drive to the birthing center. thats 40 min of all highway, without traffic mind you. its a monday morning. so do the math. i don't wanna wait to long to get there. once i get there i'll walk walk walk and do whatever to make the contractions more instense. i just wanna get there first.