unplanned and fearful
I have not yet had a post op baby but in any situation the baby will take whatever it needs from your body even if it means leaving nothing left for you, so I have not doubt that the baby will be fine. As for you I would say bump up your calories about 500 and make sure you are getting in the vitamins you need to support both you and the baby where you can no longer just eat whatever you want. Once again I have not went through it yet but have already researched it to death lol, congrats hun and good luck.
Just out of curiosity, what type of surgery did you have?
First off, relax, things will most likely turn out just fine. Our bodies are capable of some pretty amazing things. You will probably lose weight throughout most, if not all, of your pregnancy. Although it is not "the norm" it is not a sign that there is anything wrong with the baby. I'm sure you'll get extra growth ultrasounds, and as long as the baby is on track, it confirms that he/she is getting everything needed from you (even if you can't take it all in). As for now, I say eat what you can. If you're nauseous, or having difficulty tolerating certain foods, just eat what you're able to. Vitamins, water, and protein are all key, so make sure you get as much as possible.
Definitely not an ideal situation, but a blessing none the less. Congratulations!