Izaak James is here! :)

Celia S.
on 12/1/12 1:50 pm, edited 12/1/12 1:53 pm - Grand Junction, CO

Hi girls! I hope everyone is doing well :)

As I posted yesterday, my water broke yesterday AM. I was tossing and turning in bed all night starting at about 230am. Well, at about 630am I tossed once again but felt a gush of fluid when I did. Immediately I thought "Uh... did I just pee myself or was that my water?" LOL I felt down below and the fluid felt kind of slimy. I also gave it a sniff (sorry if that's TMI) and it didn't smell like urine. I went to the bathroom, cleaned myself up and laid back down for a little bit to see if I continued to leak anymore fluid. After a while I felt down there again and was really wet without having had any more gushes. So I decided to go to L&D to get it checked out.

Funny enough, as I was in the car on my way to the hospital, a L&D nurse was calling me asking if I was going to show up for my csection. Apparently they never got the message that that was cancelled even though I told hospital registration that was the case Wednesday when they called to pre-register me. I told her that I was not coming in for a csection but was incidentally on my way in anyhow because I thought my water had broken.

They took me to a triage room, asked me all the questions, then did a cervical check and sterile speculum exam (no lube - OMG painful!) and confirmed that my membranes had indeed ruptured. I was only at 1cm and 50% effaced, so I had a ways to go. I was admitted and taken to my birthing room. They didn't give me too much time for contractions to start on their own and start making progress because they like to deliver within 24 hours of rupture to avoid additional risk of infection. I got to walk around for a bit and contractions were coming on their own, but not close together at all and they weren't very strong. I hadn't made any progress in 4 hours so they started me on pitocin. I told them I would take my pitocin with a side of epidural because I've been down that road before and know it's the devil's juice lol.

By the time I got my epi and started on pitocin, it was close to noon. I progressed quickly from there. Was at a 2 after about an hour, a 3 an hour later. The little booger still wasn't engaged in my pelvis, though, and had a bulging forebag that had not ruptured. They were concerned about cord prolapse if the forebag ruptured, so I started to fear ending up having a csection after all. Well, 45 minutes later Izaak erased that worry by finally being engaged and I had jumped to 6cm! Went super fast from there. Baby started having decels with my contractions which started to worry me again. I pleaded with him to straighten up and not make me get a csection after everything. Started feeling pressure and some of the really hard contractions soon after that. They checked me again and I was a "stretchy 8." That's when they called my doctor. Felt like it took him forever to get there even though his office is literally 5 blocks away. I was complete before he arrived and had to wait for him to get dressed in scrubs. They ended up having to cut open the forebag before I pushed since it never did rupture on its own but was literally crowning out of me. After the bag was ruptured and fluid all cleared, doc told me to push. I gave a feeble first attempt. Realized halfway through that my chin wasn't to my chest and was wondering if I was even pushing effectively, so I stopped that first push short, but when I looked up to start going again, realized my boy was already out! LOL

So, Paula, your prayers for a "one-push delivery" LITERALLY were answered! No one could believe how quickly he came! Izaak James was born at 4:23pm 11/30/12. He weighed 5lb 15oz and is 18 3/4 inches long. Much smaller than I was anticipating, but he's healthy and SUUUUUPER adorbs and that's all that matters :)

Here's a picture of my little love...

Nikki M.
on 12/1/12 2:00 pm

What a tiny little peanut! Congrats on an easy delivery and beautiful baby!

Lapband 8/2007. Revised to VSG 10/2010.... 170 pounds lost!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

on 12/1/12 9:37 pm - Hartford, CT

he's beautiful and congrats on the easy delivery :) i've been reading through birthing stories (i probably shouldn't do that) and they've been scaring the crud out of me. yours seems like a much better experience :)

on 12/1/12 10:20 pm

Awesome!  Congratulations, it is amazing how easily those second babies come out!  Love those tiny babies, mine were both barely over 6lbs, and I just love how it makes them seem tiny longer :)

~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

on 12/1/12 10:46 pm
Congratulations! He is so cute!
RNY Gastric Bypass 1/14/11
SW 276.5
GW 150 - met 12/11!!! 
Pregnant w/ #1 due 4/9/13
on 12/1/12 11:20 pm - OH
RNY on 02/21/12

Aweee Congrats look at all that hair hes adorable!!! kiss

on 12/1/12 11:38 pm

Many many congrats! He's perfect!

VSG on 6/22/11
on 12/2/12 11:04 am - San Antonio, TX

Congrats and Happy Birthday to Izaak!

Lilypie - (8swr) Lilypie - (XAvt)

on 12/2/12 11:07 am - San Antonio, TX

Congrats and Happy Birthday to Izaak!

Lilypie - (8swr) Lilypie - (XAvt)

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