guess what!!

on 11/29/12 9:04 am - Miami, FL


I went in for my 38 week appt. all is well as usual. Baby's heartbeat was easy to find, 140bps. He's measuring well. She says he likes to spread out. Lol just like his daddy. I mean with his head in my pelvis and his feet tickling my ribs I feel like he might be long. 

Anyway Carol, my midwife,  comes in to check me vaginally since we need a starting point for comparison. So she sticks a finger up there and I mean waaaayyy up. And it hurts (well more discomfort than pain really) and she says this is your cervix and you are 1cm dilated. I was like WHAT??? My cries of ouch totally gave way to shock. She even said feel this? This is your baby's head. And I could feel her bounce his head a few times. I yelled OH MY GOD!!! I was soo excited I could not contain myself or my volume. I'm pretty sure everyone in the birthing center heard me. His head! That made it so real! There really is a baby down there. MY baby!! 

So what does this mean? Well my water hasn't broken and I haven't felt any contractions. I could be at 1 cm for a week or two. Who knows. I still have a week and a half till my due date. Now it's really anybody's game. Whenever Benji feels like coming out. I'm predicting some time next week. But it could be after that, who knows. But I'm already 1cm so I already have a head start she says. :) I freaking love my body. It's been doing everything it's supposed to do!

So exciting!    


on 11/29/12 9:54 am


VSG on 6/22/11
on 11/29/12 1:03 pm

Awesome news! 

I certainly don't want to burst your bubble, but with my first I was 1 cm from 37-41 weeks.  In fact, I was devastated to find out I was still only 1cm at my second trip to L&D 30 hours into labor.  I'm not telling you this to be a kill joy... when I told people I was already 100% effaced and 1cm dilated, they all acted like "any minute" and my doctor even ended every appointment with "if you make it to next week...".  Anyway, it made that last month REALLY long, especially once my due date came and went.  Ironically, I sort of fell in to that trap again with baby #2 when I found out I was 3cm dilated at my 38 week appointment.  I tried really hard last time not to get too "is this it?"  all the time, but that 3 cm really messed with my head.  Luckily he only waited til my due date to arrive.

Hopefully you will not follow in my footsteps.  I kind of believe that since I have such an easy time getting babies in, it is my "punishment" that it takes me a long time in labor to get them out, lol.  So, by that logic, you should have a super easy labor :)


~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

on 11/29/12 1:24 pm - Miami, FL

lol. wow 3cm at 38 weeks! how could you not get excited about that. sheesh. well i know this could last a week or 2. but i'm starting to feel some other things (like finally feeling Braxton Hicks) that lead me to believe that things are progressing. good news is i'm not in any hurry. i have plans for this weekend. lol. i have it in my head that he will come some time next week but if he doesn't i'm ok with it. bc 12/12/12 is a really cool due date. lol. and i'm not in any discomfort so i'm really in no hurry.


Nikki M.
on 11/29/12 1:48 pm

So exciting! I bet your body will continue to progress :) I was 1 cm dilated at 34 weeks and progressed weekly until by the time I was 39 weeks and my water broke I was over 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced. 

Good luck!!!!

Lapband 8/2007. Revised to VSG 10/2010.... 170 pounds lost!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Celia S.
on 11/29/12 2:52 pm - Grand Junction, CO

Awesome that you're already making progress! Doing better than me so far!

I'm really starting to be a Debbie Downer. Today pregnancy definitely got the best of me and I turned into an emotional basket case. I don't know if it's so hard right now because I was supposed to be done tomorrow and now who the hell knows when I'll have this kid or what.

Cervical checks suck ass! I don't mind them when my doctor does them - he's pretty gentle about it... but I was in L&D Sunday night and the nurse there checked me and was freakin BRUTAL!

Anyway, here's hoping these boys make their debuts soon!

on 11/29/12 9:28 pm - Miami, FL

i was just thinking about you! thinking that today was supposed to be the day. don't worry, it will happen before you know it.

my midwife is this old hippy-doesn't-wear-deoderant-granola type so she's not gentle at all. when she checks the baby's size and position she doesn't it by feeling around my tummy and she pushes hard and you know i have all this extra stuff (panni and skin) and it can be quite uncomfortable and downright painful. and she was not gentle at all checking me down there. she's a tough old broad and expects us to be tough as well. my husband doesn't like it. he wants me to be treated more gently all around but i'm ok with it. maybe it toughens me up.


last night was weird. i was up till about 2am, nothing out of the norm there, but i was having BH for the first time. my stomach would get hard every min or so and for the first time i felt the tightness on the inside. wasn't painful. at first it was cool. but at the end of the night i was like...ok you can stop now. lol. i was worried things were gonna start happening. when i got up to pee that tightness started getting uncomfortable. and then i felt a couple of sharp stabbing pains in my groin area. i'm like oh no. but luckily things calmed down. gosh i just need to make it passed today. i want a december baby!!! but really i would rather things not happen till next week.


on 11/29/12 10:38 pm - Rockport, WV

Ahhhhhh how exciting :)  I was thinking about you yesterday.  Wonder since she checked you that it would move things along. I heard that can happen..  Keep us posted

Jana :)

on 11/29/12 10:46 pm - Miami, FL

i'm pretty sure it did something! lol. bc i'm getting feelings i haven't had before. lol. i will def keep you guys posted with all updates!


on 11/30/12 1:10 am - OH
RNY on 02/21/12

Yayy Thats soo exciting!!! ..There is stuff call evening primrose oil and you can insert the oils in Vaginally and its supposed to help soften your cervix. You can read about it online. I wish I could have babies naturally and Not by c section!.. Good luck and I cant wait to see pictures! Walk alot and maybe use a yoga ball to help you dilate :) (sorry cant spell that well lol)

pregnancy due date

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