Feeling Down...Just need support
Well Tomorrow I will be 9 weeks. I'm not happy and right now I HATE being pregnant. Its the worse. I went to the Dr this morning and 1) she isnt happy with my weight (ive lost 3lbs since last week...and 10 since i was 6 weeks)...2) I cant keep ANYTHING down still...i'm nauseous 24 hours a day...I gag on everything and dry heave constantly...they tried zofran, suppositories, and now zantax ...i wear the sea bands and nothing works..
Everyone i come across just says "rest"... "stay hydrated"..."nibble on crackers" ...but i'm sick of hearing that because i have a full time job so just staying home resting is out the question...and i throw up everything from ginger ale to water....I guess im just venting and hating this whole experience.
i dont think surgery has anything to do with it...i've never had a restriction or anything like that or any complications at all. 7m out and pretty much at my goal weight although im still losing.
Hang in there, it is most likely not surgery related and just pregnancy related--the good news is that it should pass in the next few weeks as you approach the second trimester. When I was expecting my first I was hospitalized for testing and my room mate had the continuous nausea and vomitting and was admitted for IV hydration---she was VERY miserable!
Thanks so much. Im hoping i dont need to be hospitalized for iv...my ob is trying to avoid that so she's making me return each week for urine test, blood tests, and weight check.
I really hope that it slows down in the next 3 weeks because right now i can barely get out of bed .