Miss Ally is 6m
I feel like time has flown by and I am desperate to make it stop. I just want my baby girl to stay sweet and cuddly forever! She is determined to grow as fast as she can though. Ally is army crawling and holding her bottle, she gives kisses and smiles at everyone. I just love her to pieces! Unfortunately I am "growing" as well.. i just cant seem to stop gaining weight even though I have upped my protein and vits again, started to bring exercise back into my routine and try to stay away from snacking and junk. it seems no matter what I do or don't do the scale keeps rising, I am starting to get really panicked that I wont be able to stop it. How are you ladies doing it. I need some serious advise on how to get rid of this extra poundage I have stumble upon.
Ally as Minnie Mouse for Halloween
trying green beans
just being her happy self