How did your surgeon react?
As soon as I saw him, I burst into tears (seems to happen rather easily these days) and kept saying "I'm so sorry" over and over again. He and his PA both spent their lunch hour talking to me, for which I am very thankful, and were cautiously optimistic. I was told that lack of nutrition, low birth weight, and more-likely c-section were the biggest issues, but I wasn't told the true risk levels. I then scared myself by looking online (DONT DO IT) before talking to a couple of ob's (one regular, one high-risk). The OB's aren't nearly as worked up about it. as the surgeon or the internet, which calmed me a lot!
I'm not sure which scared me more... telling the surgeon or the idea of telling my mother (which I haven't done yet). I paid the surgeon to be nice, but I'm not sure that'll work with my mother!!!
Best of luck to us both! :)
I guess the main concern they have is low birth weight for baby and weight gain for mom. I think we should be fine as long we do what the dr. says as far as nutrition. I honestly don't see myself gaining back 64 lbs with this pregnancy. That would mean sitting on the couch all day and just gorging on food. Yeah I don't have time for that being that I work full time.
I just make sure I bring healthy snacks with me to work and I take my vitamins daily. I'm sure everything will work out for you. You just have to keep the faith. There was a reason God blessed us with these little angels. You'll see when you finally get to hold your baby in your arms.
No matter what it will work out. You just have to stay positive! I'm around if you need to talk.
Best of luck on telling your mom. I'll be saying a prayer for you.

I remember, before my RNY, I had PCOS and never thought I would be able to have a baby. I hadn't had a period in forever. Ever since I was young I've always dreamed of being a mother, so I cannot help but to think that this is my miracle. I know that the surgeon isn't happy with me, and I know that my mom probably won't be either, but quite frankly I DONT CARE! You are right, when we get to hold our babies, it will all be worthwhile!
My OB called my surgeon to get more information, and he told her that I'm really no different than any other post-op patient (even though I'm 6 months out). The only extra thing needed is more frequent labs (and she is going to do more ultrasounds to make sure the baby is growing as it should). Such good news!
I'm excited for us both... such an exciting time in our lives! You are right - eat, take vitamins, and love our little ones. That's all they need!
I wish you the best. I'm happy to hear you sounding more positive.

Keep us posted!