here we go with IVF again.
well, here we go again. My husband and i are trying for the third time with IVF.. the previous two have not given me pregnancies, but i'm not ready to give up.. I start with my follicle stim. injections tonight, and lovenox and steroids. i'm also taking baby aspirin, DHEA, royal jelly, and macca root to help with the quality of eggies and embryos. oh boy, here we go again.. I keep reminding myself,, My husband was worth the wait, and the children will be too.. Dear Jesus, please place your hand on my womb and give us the desires of our hearts and help us be good parents, Amen.
AMEN, He can and will in JESUS name. Your heart is on him and he will fullfill you those souls will be intrusted into your care and you will bring them up in the way of the LORD. God bless you and may he bless you with so many children that you have to beg him to stop. I am praying for you my dear, bless your heart.