apparently i'm a monster when i'm pregnant
lately i've been feeling alone, like everyone is treating me like an idiot or not giving me credit for things. i feel like my husband doesn't even wanna be around me bc he lashes out at me. and finally yesterday it all came to a head when we had it out. it was a looong talk. brutal because he ripped me a new one for like an hour. telling me how nasty i've been to EVERYONE i come in contact with. which is news to me. i felt like i was in the twighlight zone. he says i'm mean all the time to everyone. and that people are talking about me behind my back. as you can imagine this was extremely hard to hear, especially for my fragile sensitive state. it was brutal. no one wants to hear that. it seemed so cruel. but i guess the truth hurts. i had no idea i was doing this.
has anyone else experienced this? when ppl tell me "oh you're just hormonal bc of pregnancy" i get so upset bc they're brushing off my feelings. its like hearing "oh you're just having your period". but i guess.....its true. apparently i'm a monster.
oh ps. i'm packing up to move on wed, trying to plan my baby shower (which the planner is not getting back to me), and there's a hurricane coming this weekend. can we say stressed?
has anyone else experienced this? when ppl tell me "oh you're just hormonal bc of pregnancy" i get so upset bc they're brushing off my feelings. its like hearing "oh you're just having your period". but i guess.....its true. apparently i'm a monster.
oh ps. i'm packing up to move on wed, trying to plan my baby shower (which the planner is not getting back to me), and there's a hurricane coming this weekend. can we say stressed?
As much as it seems like people are brushing it off, I'm sure it has a lot to do with the pregnancy hormones. They make me mean, too. I know so many women who get all emotional, weepy, etc. NOT me! I turn into a royal ***** and, like you, I don't realize how bad it is most of the time. There are times when even I realize I'm being nasty, but most of the time I don't and everyone around me deals with it without saying anything. Things like that are definitely hard to hear and even harder to swallow, but if your hubby gives you a heads up when you're in one of your moods, that at least gives you a chance to work on changing your attitude. It may not always be possible, but at least you can try, ya know?
The good news? It WILL calm down a while after your baby boy is here. Either way - as much as it may feel like an excuse, let your hubby know what's going on and that it will get better. Hang in there, love!
The good news? It WILL calm down a while after your baby boy is here. Either way - as much as it may feel like an excuse, let your hubby know what's going on and that it will get better. Hang in there, love!
Aww Meli, you are not alone! I was very hormonal/emotional during pregnancy myself. I don't know how I was toward everyone, but my relationship with my husband suffered for sure. The week before Malcolm was born it came to a head and I literally told him in the middle of Costco, "if I didn't think you would fight me for custody, i would be filing for divorce right now!" I felt like I was getting no support from him and we were just fighting all the time! Man it was rough! I don't know how I could have made things better while pregnant... but the good news is things are already a lot better since giving birth! I keep waiting for the crazy postpartem hormones to kick in... I am more weepy and sleep deprived than usual, but I feel way more normal than I did while pregnant and me and DH are getting along much better :) He just brought up the costco comment last night. Sigh.
Hang in there Meli! You have a LOT on your plate!
Hang in there Meli! You have a LOT on your plate!
omg nikki i have felt the exact same way. i was thinking, i want to just leave. dissappear. if eveyrone hates me so much why stick around? why not do everyone a favor and just move away where no one knows me. but then the reality of being completely financially dependent on my husband kicked in. i bet a lot of ladies go through relationship problems while pregnant. its not something they tell you will happen, but it does. and you know you don't really mean this stuff, but for some reason everything seems like the end of the world. like its the most dramatic thing ever.
its just good to know i'm not alone here. and i'm not crazy.
its just good to know i'm not alone here. and i'm not crazy.
GIRL!!! While I was pregnant I was so thankful that I didn't have a gun permit. Otherwise I would have had my daughter behind bars, lol. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to call my daughter's dad at work and scream at him and cry, and cry...and CRY. It wasn't those weepy cries was those GO TO H3LL with gasoline drawers kind of cry". I am normally a rationale, patient, and nonemotional kind of chick. After it was gently brought to my attention (around my 2nd trimester)... I learned to read, nap or find something else to do when I felt the urge to lash out at folks. If the phone rang, I let it go to voicemail until I felt closer like myself. At work I would tell coworkers "can I get back to in a few", and then go to the restroom, curse under my breath...and then come back to them (I'm a teacher, I laugh now and call it my "werewolf" phase. After you have the baby, it will all seem like a distant memory. Remember your husband loves you, and knows the real you. He knows that this a phase, but probably doesn't want you to alienate or hurt anyone's feelings unintentionally. About the storm, I know it sounds crazy...but use the time to relax. We had a ice storm, and school was shut down here for about a week while I was pregnant. It was the most peaceful time I had during my entire pregnancy, lol. Good luck to you, hubby and the new bambino!

haha thank you. glad i'm not alone. the thing is i don't even feel it coming on like an episode. apparently thats just me all the time. so now i have to watch myself. my husband says i was good yesterday. we came up with a "safe word" something he could say when i act out that won't **** me off. lol. i only hope i can keep up my good behavior. i fear moving day will be an ugly one.
Hey! I haven't been on here in a while, but I decided to check in today and saw your post. OMG, I was pretty darn mean when I was pregnant, ESPECIALLY mean to my hubby (isn't it always the people we love the most that we're the nastiest to). On top of it, we were going through forclosure and bankruptcy so it was time that we really needed to support eachother and be a united team. My poor hubby! Let's face it, yes they understand that it's the hormones, but the words still come out of our mouths and they still get hurt by the words. Ginny is 5 months old and I am back to my normal self...ish, but we're still working on healing the bad things that happened and were said. I am glad your hubby told you, but mine told me oo and for me it waslike having PMS for 9 months. I knew I was being terrible, but I felt like i couldn't change it. A lot of it was acknowledging that I was the issue and learning that i really needed to change. It was weird for me, because in our relationship, it's usually the other way around, LOL! Anyway, you're not alone! Stay safe this weekend!
Mommy to 2 of the most beauiful little girls in the whole universe and still in love with my hubby of 8 years. LIFE IS GOOD!
Poor thing! It will get better... but maybe worse first ;) Its just part of it... When my Husband says I am being hormonal or over reacting it infurates me because I feel like my feelings are being discounted. I feel like I am right about everything... damn straight I am. What I can tell is that I am less likeley to hold back whatever thought or feeling I may have, whether it be @ a stranger that cuts me off or a loved one.... I find that I don't have much of a filter right now, just say what I think. Oh well ;D Try to keep your head up & know that if you are being moody or *****y or whatever, that your in good company ;D
I'm a raging ***** pardon my language, but seriously, I'm a horrific person to be around when I'm pregnant. It's been especially difficult this pregnancy. With Tatum being 10.5 months old, me being 8.5 pregnant, uncomfortable, huge, fighting insomnia, being in pain every day, I'm just one big ball of meanness.
I have to start some steroid therapy in a week or so, and it intensifies my mood swings, and my short temper. My husband has already told my OBs that he was going to rent a hotel for the time I had to be on those little pills of evilness. I'm really horrible, and most of it is uncontrollable. I try my very best, but I just lose it.
You aren't alone. It sucks tremendously, and I'm seriously counting down the days! ! !
I have to start some steroid therapy in a week or so, and it intensifies my mood swings, and my short temper. My husband has already told my OBs that he was going to rent a hotel for the time I had to be on those little pills of evilness. I'm really horrible, and most of it is uncontrollable. I try my very best, but I just lose it.
You aren't alone. It sucks tremendously, and I'm seriously counting down the days! ! !
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs