Malcolm is here!
My baby boy Malcolm was born on Aug. 13th! I woke up at 5am on 8/13 feeling a big kick in my uterus and then a gu**** seems like Malcolm broke his own bag of water! I woke up my husband and we got to the hospital by 6am. My contractions started immediately after my water broke, and were painful and less than 5 minutes apart! I labored all day and progressed really well by walking the halls and sitting on the birthing ball. I had really bad back labor because he was face up. I ended up deciding to get an epidural around 6pm. By 7pm I was 8 cm dilated, 100% effaced and plus 1 station. Then Malcolm's heart started decelling too much during contractions and not coming back up fast eough. The decision was quickly made to do an emergency c-seciton. I was given a shot to stop my contractions and rushed into the OR. I was devesated because I was so close to being ready to deliver, with only 2 inches left to dilate. But the doctor said there wasn't time. It was pretty scary and I just wanted a healthy baby.
Malcolm was born at 7:44pm via c-section, 6 pounds 9 oz, and 20 in. long. It turns out Malcolm's cord was wrapped around his neck and was being compressed with my contractions. Luckily he was totally healthy and the surgery went well! I stayed in the hospital for 4 nights and just got back home yesterday. We are adjusting to being home and having lots of visitors. I am feeling pretty darn good after the c-seciton. It hurt really bad for the first 24 hours, but doesn't bother much at this point. I'm just taking a bit of advil for pain control.
Here are some pictures of the new little love of my life!
Malcolm was born at 7:44pm via c-section, 6 pounds 9 oz, and 20 in. long. It turns out Malcolm's cord was wrapped around his neck and was being compressed with my contractions. Luckily he was totally healthy and the surgery went well! I stayed in the hospital for 4 nights and just got back home yesterday. We are adjusting to being home and having lots of visitors. I am feeling pretty darn good after the c-seciton. It hurt really bad for the first 24 hours, but doesn't bother much at this point. I'm just taking a bit of advil for pain control.
Here are some pictures of the new little love of my life!