I am so frustrated. For one I have very unpredictible. For instance, my menstral came on on april 23rd, May 17th, June 12th and July 25th. So its like my menstral comes on every 24-25 days except the last one was about 43 days. I am currently taking clomid 50mg and started in May. The meds worked in May with getting me to ovulate along with the ovidrel but didn't result in a pregnancy. The meds didn't work in June because when I went in for my 13 day ultrasound. I didn't have any folicles. So for this month they increased my to 100mg & I went in on 08/06 for my 13 day ultrasound and I had a very small immature follicle so they told me to come back on 08/9 to see if it had matured. I went in and they said it was actually smaller than it was on Monday. The dr so the look on my face and he hurried and asked if I had intercourse anytime between monday 08/06 and thursday 08/9 and I told him yes. He said well maybe it took that is why its smaller. Yea right......... So the next course of action if I don't get a BFP around the 34th day then they will increase the meds again and also start me on metformin. I feel like time is running out for me I am 39 and my husband is 41. So time is of the essence for me. Sorry so long. I am just frustrated and husband keeps saying so how long are we going to go thru this? I tell him I don't know but I don't know if he is in it for the long haul and all of the ups and downs that comes with it.
2. are you seeing a endocrinologist? if you are and not comfortable, find another! It is your body, life & baby!
3. do you have PCOS?
4. yes, you probably should be on Metformin if you are PCOS!
5, vitamins? taking them?
Nikki will tell you~ an endocrinologist works!
Happy Journey Cheri
ask to try femara instead. it is similar but a different type of medication.
I agree you should see a reproductive endocrinologist if you are not already. good luck!