Started my glucose testing yesterday
At my appt yesterday, my OB gave me instructions to do my glucose testing for a week since we cant do the glucola test. It doesnt hurt as bad as I thought, although I am a big baby and still twitch every time I poke myself LOL Yesterday after meals it was 89 both times and this morning it was 72 fasting. Yay for good numbers!
Congrats on the twins! I went to my OB today with all my results and she says I passed. Yay! No gestational diabetes! The glucose testing is in place of the glucose tolerance test that they usually give at the end of your 2nd trimester/beginning of your 3rd trimester. If you have had gastric bypass (not sure about the other procedures) you would get very ill from the glucola drink. Instead of that test, they have you test your blood sugar at home 4 times a day, fasting, and one hour after breakfast, lunch and dinner. You do this for a week, bring in your results to your OB and they go from there. Hope that helps!