Baby Anderson is Here
Well shortly after my last post a week ago my contractions were very regular and consistant. Finished up what i could at work went to hubbys appt with the surgeon. Till then contractions were 2-3min apart so headed to the hospital (30min away). Got there and was still just a 3 and 50% effaced but contractions were very regular went and walked for 45min in the halls and contractions began to wrap around to lower back. Got checked and 5cm 75% effaced. They broke my water and went to a 7 in about 45min. Started to get awful pain down my right leg 30min later so they checked me and was ready to deliver. Pushed for about 15min and baby Anderson made his entrance into the world on Friday July 13th at 7:36pm. He weighed 6lbs 7oz and was 19 1/2in long. It was the best delivery i have ever had and i was soooo thankful i had a successful VBAC. Here's some pics of my little bear and me.
Thanks! Yes my last delivery 5yrs ago ended in c-section. I think it's all up to your body. I had contractions for 5 days before the big day. My last 2 deliveries were moved along with pitocin after my water broke. I never really had a real labor until this one and it was much better. I stayed active continued with regular exercise and i think that helped a lot. Have you had a sucessful vag delivery? That also helps to know you body can do it, but don't let anyone talk you out of trying because it is possible and recovery is sooooo much smoother. Good luck!!
I second what she said about believing you can do it! I had a VBAC in November and it was great, but I really had to "fight" for it. I believed I could do it, and didn't let anyone talk me out of that possibility... so glad I went with my gut.
Congratulations! Love the name! So glad to hear that the VBAC went so well!
Congratulations! Love the name! So glad to hear that the VBAC went so well!