My Baby Girl Is Here
I had a fast delivery and my Baby Shaelyn has arrived. After what I thought were gas pains, they were actual labor starting. Not too painful, my last post was that things were starting to pic up about 12:30pm and I was going to call the hospital etc. I ended up talking to the telehealth and they thought that I should go into L&D to be examined. I called DH and told him that when he got home we should go get checked. I arrived at the hospital at 6pm got hooked up to monitors and they found a very strong HB and some little spikes for some possible BH. The Nurse then checked me and said that I was a good 4cm & 75% effaced and said I was staying. Got admitted and my Dr was the Dr in for the night and he checked me about 1/2 hr later and broke my waters and said see you in a few hrs to be rechecked to see my progress. This was about 7:30pm when that all took place. I was still having lower abdominal craming but more severe and I asked for my epidural. The nurse checked me again about 9pm and I was 9cm with a lip. They got the epidural in and my Dr said he would see me in an hr. I at that point with the intense contractions 2 mins apart and lasting a good 60 secs thought I would be seeing him sooner,like real soon. At about 9:45 I got checked again and I was fully dilated but baby was still high I was told I could push or just breathe through the contractions so I wouldn't tire myself out and let the contractions move her down. I chose to breathe. THe contractions were so intense I could feel her moving in the birth canal, so much for my epidural. I felt everything but those period cramps, I felt her wiggling down,and the burning in my v-jay, and it felt like my butt was going to explode right out of me (sorry TMI). At 10pm I began pushing and Shaelyn arrived at 10:46pm weighing in at 7lbs 1oz and 19"long. Other than being cut and then tearing on her rapid exit a pretty quick delivery for a first timer if you ask me. I had about an hr of repair don't mow how many stitches and I don't want to know, that part is very painful today. Other than that things are excellent,Shaelyn is eating well, vitals on both of us are excellent. We should be going home tomorrow and once settled I will post Baby Spam pics...LOL