Started fertility meds
Diagnosed with PCOS over 10 years, no cycles without meds.
7/3 was my cd1. First month on fertility meds. I'm on 1500mg metformin daily. 100mg clomid cd 3-7 followed by 2mg estrace 2x a day cd 8-12, start opks cd 10 then ovidrel either on positive opk or cd 14 with varified ultrasound at RE.
All in all this game plan looks very promising.
What do you think?
Is this your first cycle with meds? I originally was diagnosed with PCOS by my endocrinologist due to insulin resistance, obesity, and irregular cycles (27-35 days in between cycles). After going to an RE I went for a second opinion with a PCOS specialist and she said I don't have it because I am having periods and my ultrasounds show no cysts. the protocol she said would be the same no matter what though (she now listed me as unexplained). the clomid didn't work for me (that's the only month i needed meds to have a cycle). sounds like your RE has a great plan for you and wishing you lots of baby dust!