25 weeks pregnant and 16 months out:) PICS!!
So far all is going awesome!! I feel great! This is the best pregnancy I have had so far. This is our 4th child but my first one after surgery. I was 136 lbs when I found out I was pregnant and now I am at 163. I don't know how happy I am about this....since my doctors only wanted me to gain 30-35 pounds and I still have 14 weeks to go. We found out we are having another little boy!! We are VERY excited about this!! I have 2 girls and 1 boy already and I did not want to see the look on my sons face if it was a girl....lol. I am trying to load a pic but for some reason it never works. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/405071_10151710765020029_1919264977_n.jpg)
This is me a couple weeks ago with my other 3:)
This is me now:)
This is me a couple weeks ago with my other 3:)
This is me now:)
congrats you look GREAT dont worry, the weight gain tappers off I gained 25 pounds by 5months, 40 by 7months and nothing else till delivery but it doesnt look like you have anything to worry about you look gorgeous only a nice round belly
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