waiting for the end UPDATE
So here I am 4 weeks after being told I was going to miscarry, still nothing has started. I don't know if baby is still alive, but I am hoping very, very hard. I was supposed to go back and see my GP on the 6th, but I cancelled. I just got tired of her doom and gloom. It will happen when it happens. I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks. I will be 13wks 3 days then. So who knows at this point? Baby's HR on May 29 was still a solid 164 bpm.
I never thought I would say that I hope my GP is a crack-pot, yet that day is here.
I never thought I would say that I hope my GP is a crack-pot, yet that day is here.
I can't even imagine what you've been going through being in "limbo" for the last four weeks! My gut feeling (and of course, I'm not a doctor) is that if you have no signs of trouble other than some stupid numbers, things are probably going to turn out just fine. Think about all the pregnancies where nothing is wrong so they never check the daily levels of HCG! They have no idea if all of those pregnancies follow the "normal" patterns consistently! I know I've never had mine rechecked after getting an initial positive. For all you know, this is just what is "normal" for you! Try to hang in there and keep positive. I can't imagine waiting another two weeks for the ultrasound! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Hope that the ultrasound brings good news!
oh my thats awful!! i don't blame you. first of all congrats on the pregnancy!! and if that was the heartrate at may 29th i don't understand why that would all of a sudden change?? why does she think you're going to miscarry? listen i was told i had a slim chance of getting pregnant and sustaining a pregnancy on my own. and i got pregnant on my own and here i am in my 2nd trimester. so doctors aren't right all the time. also, i really dislike negative doctors. this whole thing is hard enough without a supportive doctor.
don't give up. its not over till its over. babies are pretty resilient. i spent the first couple of months worrying mine wasn't there anymore. it was quietly growing bigger and stronger. just wait till your ultrasound. or, if you could, try to get one sooner. i think you have every right. if she told you that. you should be able to check. or you could just go to a new doctor. i wouldn't stay with that one. you have every right to a 2nd opinion.
don't give up. its not over till its over. babies are pretty resilient. i spent the first couple of months worrying mine wasn't there anymore. it was quietly growing bigger and stronger. just wait till your ultrasound. or, if you could, try to get one sooner. i think you have every right. if she told you that. you should be able to check. or you could just go to a new doctor. i wouldn't stay with that one. you have every right to a 2nd opinion.
Your doctor is a crackpot. I told you before when you posted that HCG numbers around 9 weeks can actually drop. Seeing a baby on an ultrasound with a heartbeat means way more than HCG numbers. HCG numbers are only better indicators before you can detect the baby on the ultrasound.
Get a new doctor. You aren't miscarrying if you see an active baby with a good heartrate. My baby never even had a heart rate over 150 and he is very much here with me.
Get a new doctor. You aren't miscarrying if you see an active baby with a good heartrate. My baby never even had a heart rate over 150 and he is very much here with me.
Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!
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Mom to Ean after 5 longs years of Infertility....2/29/12!