Been a while... with pics!
Things are going great with Ms. Margaret!! She's so completely awesome and funny! Little too smart for her own good, too! She has 4 teeth and another popping through, her 9 month appointment was about a week and a half ago and she was 29 inches and 22 lbs 10 oz! We learned at 8 months that she has reflux. It would flare up and she would quit eating for a week, I'd take her to the dr thinking it is her ears and all is clear! 3 days later...ear infection! Zantac has helped!! She drinks 3 6oz bottles, 1 8oz and 3 meals! She LOVES food! Her favorite is hot dogs, but we only have them once a month at most! She's working on crawling, she mostly scoots on her butt! When I put her on her belly, she just pushes herself back to sit up!
We had a scare the day she had her appointment...That week started with her at the dr on monday (she wasn't feeling well)...just a virus. Thursday well visit, small amount of fluid in one ear. Thursday night we were playing after her last bottle waiting for DW to come home (she had already called to say she was on her way). Margaret started shaking like she was cold and yawning. I gave her her pacifier thinking she was just sleepy. I kep****ching her (thankfully I didn't put her in bed) and she started turning blue...still shaking. I went and put my shoes on and went out the front door. DW was just getting her stuff out of the car, I told her we had to go! We rushed to the er and found she had a febrile seizure and her temp was 102.7. They gave her motrin, left us for an hour or so and sent us home. She had another one when she woke up in the morning. Went back to the dr and they found a very mild ear infection. She's ok, nothing since (took a few days of alternating motrin and tylenol every 3 hours to get rid of the fever). Then the poor kid got pink eye!
Here's some pics...

We say "belly, belly, belly" and she pats her belly

first corn on the cob

I layed her on the floor, they all joined her!

My sister got married and this is what she wore

Thanks for looking!
We had a scare the day she had her appointment...That week started with her at the dr on monday (she wasn't feeling well)...just a virus. Thursday well visit, small amount of fluid in one ear. Thursday night we were playing after her last bottle waiting for DW to come home (she had already called to say she was on her way). Margaret started shaking like she was cold and yawning. I gave her her pacifier thinking she was just sleepy. I kep****ching her (thankfully I didn't put her in bed) and she started turning blue...still shaking. I went and put my shoes on and went out the front door. DW was just getting her stuff out of the car, I told her we had to go! We rushed to the er and found she had a febrile seizure and her temp was 102.7. They gave her motrin, left us for an hour or so and sent us home. She had another one when she woke up in the morning. Went back to the dr and they found a very mild ear infection. She's ok, nothing since (took a few days of alternating motrin and tylenol every 3 hours to get rid of the fever). Then the poor kid got pink eye!
Here's some pics...

We say "belly, belly, belly" and she pats her belly

first corn on the cob

I layed her on the floor, they all joined her!

My sister got married and this is what she wore

Thanks for looking!
Miss Margaret is adorable...I love the wedding dress picture...and her dimples.
That seizure from the fever would have scared a few years off my life...I'm glad she's doing OK and hope that you never have to go through that again. Well...hope SHE doesn't go through it too...but I'm sure it scared you and your DW more than her!
That seizure from the fever would have scared a few years off my life...I'm glad she's doing OK and hope that you never have to go through that again. Well...hope SHE doesn't go through it too...but I'm sure it scared you and your DW more than her!
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled