
on 5/15/12 9:33 am - IL
It's been a long time since I've been on here. Well I got down 117lbs after my RNY and then at 6months out from surgery I found out that we were expecting a new bundle of joy. Now I am 22 weeks pregnant with our second son and I am so scared that I am going to blow up. This pregnancy feels like its voided my surgery, not in that I consume more because I can still only eat a certain amount but in the fact that all my cravings have been for sweets and spicy foods. Unfortunately, since I've become pregnant sugar does not affect me the way it did before I got pregnant and I am now having the hardest time trying to kick the cravings. I definitely need some encouragement, tough love, and new recipes to substitute my cravings with.
Have any of you found yourself falling off the wagon with your pregnancy? Believe me I am open to any suggestions and information to help me get through the rest of this pregnancy without ruining my surgery and gaining all the weight back that I lost. I've done ok so far as far as keeping my weight down, I'm lucky enough to have only gained 2 lbs so far and you can see it in my stomach, but I'm really scared that I am going to blow up and get back up in the 200's and thats the last thing I want to do! 
on 5/15/12 11:38 pm - St. Paul Park, MN
I was able to eat a ton more sugar and not have it affect me when I was pregnant. As soon as my son was born I went right back to dumping on sugar and carbs.  I wouldn't worry about it too much.
(deactivated member)
on 5/16/12 12:30 am - Woodbridge, VA
I am back up over 200 after my pregnancy - I promise you, it's not the end of the world. It's still WAY less than I was back when I had my surgery.

I didn't have RNY, so eating sugar never had negative effects as far as discomfort, dumping, etc., so I'm not much help there except to say that, for me, IGNORING my cravings eventually made them go away. If you feed a sweet craving with sweet food (whether it's made with sugar or Splenda or whatever), you'll only want more.
on 5/18/12 3:25 am - San Jose, CA
OK... first off... breathe!  If you started your pg at 117 (and phenomenal weight loss btw girl!) the chances of you gaining 80+ lbs to get over 200 again in the next 18 weeks are HIGHLY unlikely!  The mind screw of baby weight gain after WLS is a total trip.  I've gone rounds with different version of mind screw.  But what you need to know is that even though you are having some cravings again, your pouch is absolutely still working!  22 weeks and only 2 lbs gained?!  That's absolutely fantastic!  You will gain more during your 3rd trimester, but it ain't gonna be no 80 lbs!  I'm a day shy of 33 wks pg and I've only gained 15 lbs so far.  You're doing really well.  The pregnancy hormones that are running rampant in your body right now allow for more food consumption and it does temporarily stretch your pouch just a little. This allows for the extra nutrients to feed your baby and you. And pregnancy does bring on cravings.  But honey... you're doing just fine!  Just make sure that you're eating a balanced diet and include some healthy carbs (ie: fruits/veggies.)  White flour carbs are stil useless calories. 
Our little miracle baby boy is on his way!
Lilypie Maternity tickers
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/12 6:33 am - Woodbridge, VA
psst...she lost 117, not weighed 117.

But I agree with you that being only +2 at 22 weeks is great!!
on 5/18/12 6:45 am - San Jose, CA
Being the forum "self-appointed corrector" is annoying. You've done it to me a couple times now. Just saying...
Our little miracle baby boy is on his way!
Lilypie Maternity tickers
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/12 11:21 am - Woodbridge, VA
Oh, sorry. I am not a self-appointed anything, just try to correct blantant errors or misinformation when I see it. Guess you make a lot of mistakes. Just saying...
on 5/18/12 11:33 am - San Jose, CA
Really? So much for this boardbeing a supportive enviornment. Enjoy nitpicking pregnant women!
Our little miracle baby boy is on his way!
Lilypie Maternity tickers
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/12 11:31 pm - Woodbridge, VA
Nitpicking? By correcting misinformation that others might think is right? Or by trying to be helpful in pointing out that much of what you said wasn't quite right since you mis-read the initial post? No one else seems to have an issue with me...and I am not being unsupportive of anyone by simply trying to put correct information out there for others who are reading.

In any case, you're welcome to PM me with these types of issues in the future instead of taking someone else's thread off course  :)
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