Still waiting!... ugh!
I took another test today and it was still negative, but I'm even more "sure" that I'm pregnant as the symptoms just keep adding to the list...
Super sore boobs, moody, tired, crampy/bloated... I feel EXACTLY like I did with both of my pregnancies. I've done some math and it was actually a few days beyond this that I finally got a positive for the other two, but regardless, I'm still beginning to feel like maybe I'm just a crazy person and that I've imagined all of this, grr!
Yesterday we were at the library with the kids and I was having a hard time stringing together a sentence when my husband laughed and said "yup, you're pregnant... when the cognitive skills drop off this quickly, I just know". Haha, apparently "stupid" is my most obvious symptom :).
If I don't get a positive on Sunday, I'm going to call my doc on Monday. I figure if I'm not pregnant, something weird is going on with me!
I took another test today and it was still negative, but I'm even more "sure" that I'm pregnant as the symptoms just keep adding to the list...
Super sore boobs, moody, tired, crampy/bloated... I feel EXACTLY like I did with both of my pregnancies. I've done some math and it was actually a few days beyond this that I finally got a positive for the other two, but regardless, I'm still beginning to feel like maybe I'm just a crazy person and that I've imagined all of this, grr!
Yesterday we were at the library with the kids and I was having a hard time stringing together a sentence when my husband laughed and said "yup, you're pregnant... when the cognitive skills drop off this quickly, I just know". Haha, apparently "stupid" is my most obvious symptom :).
If I don't get a positive on Sunday, I'm going to call my doc on Monday. I figure if I'm not pregnant, something weird is going on with me!