When you became pregnant did it seem like a dream?
Absolutely, positively surreal. But the feeling never goes away even after you've had the baaby. I still catch myself staring at my son and he's a year plus. I still cant believe he is trully mine. I thank God every minute of the day for entrusting me with this little soul. I love him so much. And even with this pregnancy, I can remember when I was told I would never have kids so it is still so awsome to me that at times I can not believe I am on baby number two.

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very surreal. i think when you really want something and it actually happens its so surreal. i felt the same way when i got married. i thought i would cry so much because i cried watching a wedding story all the time. then the day i got married i was lost in space. no crying because it was all so surreal. i thought i would cry when i heard the baby's heartbeat. i didn't. i got excited but didn't cry.
its still pretty surreal. like it hasn't fully hit me yet. i think its too early on. maybe when i start showing it'll sink in more. seeing the baby in the ultrasound definitely made it more real though.
its still pretty surreal. like it hasn't fully hit me yet. i think its too early on. maybe when i start showing it'll sink in more. seeing the baby in the ultrasound definitely made it more real though.