cycle shananegans!
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/12 6:49 am
on 4/16/12 6:49 am
Alrighty ladies, I am about done, almost. I am 1 lb away from goal)150) and currently 10 mo post op. We are hoping to start ttc very soon but I can't help but get disheartened when my cycles are all over the place from 21-33 days. I have a fear that my luetal phase is too short. I felt myself ovulate late fri and then I just started this fri.... That's only 7 days. My ob had suggested getting on bc for 3 mo to regulate it but I think that's really a step backwards then forwards, for me at least. My next step is going next month for my 1yr labs to make sure all is well before ttc and to make any adjustments if needed. Anyone in my shoes after surgery? I was always regular and I've been off bc since November so I've had time to "normalize". Ideas, thoughts, suggestions? I wanna get on that baby train too 
Good luck to all you ladies,

Good luck to all you ladies,
My cycles were very regular prior to WLS and had 2 kiddos at the drop of a sperm....i stopped my BC 3mo prior to TTC and then bam crazy cycles this went on for about 6mo even went to see my OB bc this was not normal for me at all.....he informed me that since i turned 30 (don't know your age) that it is very common for womens cycles to change up a bit...he had me track my cycles and within 2mo i was preggers....i too was concerned that my luetal phase was too short but guess i was wrong with my calculations. Also, BC does increase fertility as i forgot to take mine for a couple days and opps got my daughter 9mos later. In fact some OBs will put women on BC for one mo just to increase fertility, so might not be a bad idea if you have no luck. I hope things work out for you as i know how frustrating this all is.
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/12 11:57 pm
on 4/16/12 11:57 pm
Thanks ladies for responding! I am not thinking about going to a RE unless we can't concieve after many months of trying, which I hope and pray isn't the case. I am 23 so I wouldn't think my cycles would go so wonky at this age, but I of course can be wrong. I know cycles can go haywire after losing a lot of weight but my weight loss is veryyy slow now, so I don't think that's it either. My sister said her cycles have always been irregular and she's thin, so maybe that's just in my genetic makeup? I am thinking about buying some cheap opks so I can track when exactly I'm ovulating. I can feel the pain, but from reading online it can be even days after ovulation. I will think about bc, but hopefully I won't need it. Til then opks will be my friend. My hubby wishes we didn't put pressure and "try" so hard to try LOL. Because of my work, I would like to have a baby may/June so I can be off the summer with my baby. That means getting pg in august or September which is still a little while off, but I need to figure out what's going on sooner than later 
Thanks again!

Thanks again!