Anyone have pregnancy intuition with little or no pregnancy symptoms before you found out that you were pregnant? what about close family members? My husband seems to think it happened while I was visiting him. I think it's wishful thinking on his part. But all the people we know told us I was going to get pregnant while visiting him. (I don't think it's possible I was on day like 41+ when I was with him) what do you think? any stories??
Update: took a test this morning I had a very light negative. What does that mean? I'm thinking, negative is negative no questions.
Update: took a test this morning I had a very light negative. What does that mean? I'm thinking, negative is negative no questions.
One thing Ive learned in this life is ANYTHING is possible. If you are happy and Hubby is happy then just roll with it. you never know maybe you had a late ovulation its never an exact science you know. lol

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