13 weeks and 4lbs heavier.
Your OB would be the best person to consult on this as there are a lot of factors to consider. The biggest being your starting weight, are you "normal" weight, overweight, underweight? This will determine how much you "should" gain during your pregnancy. Here is a great link to a pregnancy weight tracker that I used a lot when I was pregnant...
Some people gain earlier on in their pregnancy then even out towards the end and some people dont gain unti towards the end and if u are absolutely lucky you wont gain any at all. With my first, I did not gain a pound I actually lost and then the baby weight brought me back to my prepregnancy weight but it was all baby. This time around I gained almoust thirty pounds out the gate,(5 months), but have not gained a single pound since so good luck either way as long as you keep doing what you need to nutrition wise and get as much work out in (non stressful of course), you dont have anything to worry about. Your priority at this time is a healthy happy baby. Again Congrats!!!!!!

Make a pregnancy ticker
http://pregnancy.baby-gaga.com/"> src="http://tickers.baby-gaga.com/p/dev148bbs__.png" alt="pregnancy due date" border="0" />