I'm out this month
So, after three months of trying to get the injectibles dosage right, we finally get them so that I respond but dont overstim. We inseminated two weeks ago. Then yesterday I started my period. I am so disappointed. I thought I would be disappointed.... but I feel so much more. It feels like this huge loss and has opened up so much uncertainty and doubt. I thought I would wake up today more optimistic, but really, Im just still upset and angry. Having cramps and my period is just a constant reminder that I am not pregnant. Lets hope its a short period so I get atleast rid myself of that reminder.
Yesterday I went in for my cd1 baseline US and found two cysts (about 20 mm) in my left ovary. Sooooooo.... I am out this next month waiting for those to go away. I will be taking more BC to ensure that I have a period next month and then we start the next round of injectibles.
I just want to sleep until then... anyone have any suggestions for accomplishing that?
I also went through fertility treatments and did get pregnant with injectables and IUI. My doctor told me I had a 25% chance of concieving on a given month. Which is close to the rates that a fertile woman my age would have TTC naturally. So really all that the fertility treatment did was put me on a level playing field with everyone else. That seemed incredibly unfair to me. That I was paying $1000 in addition to my insurance coverage, to put me on a "level playing field?"
As far as things that helped me, I found several online boards to be very supportive. I have PCOS and am a member of soulcysters.net. There is an infertility board there. I know there are many other fertility boards online, if you are interested. I just found that not many people I knew in real life could relate to what I was going through.
I strongly believe you will get your BFP, and hopefully as soon as possible! Treat yourself kindly and do what you need to do to get through this. Hugs.