Almost 13 Weeks!
I feel like it's been forever since I've posted here. I thought my days of having a chance for #2 were over because my Ex "DH" did not want anymore kids. After we separated, I found a great man with whom I'm deeply in love and we are now expecting our first child together. This will be #5 between the 2 of us! YIKES!!
On Wednesday, I had my IPS ultrasound and had a wonderful experience watching our LO move around and wave to the technician. Technician thinks this baby is going to be a boy.. Double yikes! This will make FIVE boys! Everything looks great and I am due early October!
On Wednesday, I had my IPS ultrasound and had a wonderful experience watching our LO move around and wave to the technician. Technician thinks this baby is going to be a boy.. Double yikes! This will make FIVE boys! Everything looks great and I am due early October!

Congratulations! And btw... 13wks is VERY early to determine sex. So don't go out buying blue stuff just yet. Wait until at least 18 wks for a much more definative US. I've seen a lot of women anxious to find out the sex early and then go out and spend a lot of $ of baby stuff in a particular color (pink/blue) only to find out weeks later that the very early determination was completely wrong.
Good luck to you, momma!
Good luck to you, momma!
Thank you! LOL I'm definitely not relying on early determination. Also, once we get our anatomy scan at 18-20 weeks, we'll probably still do a 3D/4D session so that our other 4 sons can see their sibling too. We want them to take part in this since such a huge change for our families and want them to feel as involved as possible. One of the boys even picked out a name I'm in love with if its a boy so he'll love that we used HIS idea.. lol