Update on the twins!
I know I wasn't very active on here, but I just realized I never posted an update on the twins. Roxanne and Rocco arrived on Feb 7th right on schedule. I had a scheduled repeat c-section. Everything went fantastic. They came out weighing 5lbs. 15oz (Roxy) and 6lbs. 2oz (Rocco). They are perfect and very healthy. Things are going well at home and we're adjusting. It's tricky juggling a potty training 2.5 year old and keeping the babies on schedule but I'm learning. Once again, my doctor did an amazing job with my surgery. No complications, just like my first c-section. She truly is amazing and gifted. Unfortunatly, my doctor passed away just 3 weeks after she delivered my twins, she was only 39. So that part has been very rough. I had been seeing her for 8 years and became really close with her. She helped me get my VSG and gave me my babies, I'll miss her very much. I had my 6 week visit yesterday and it was very hard being in the office without her there. She'll always be in my heart though and I'll have many fond thoughts of her everytime I look at my babies. She adored them so much! Below are a couple pictures, one with my sweet doctor. I am very blessed... especially for unexpectidly conceiving twins just 5 months after my VSG. Good luck ladies, I hope you are all having a H&H 9 months. For those of you TTC keep trying, it's all worth it!

~ Nikki ~ Loving my rad new life!
VSG 1/4/2011
Lost 150lbs, gained back 50lbs.
Back on track and hope to
compete as a Powerlifter soon!!
Thanks ladies! The twins are so much fun and they are starting to smile a little bit, melts my heart. Thank you.... it's been rough knowing I won't see her again, she became such a good friend. Unfortunatly, things were rough for her at home and her marriage was falling apart (hubby was messing around, alot). She couldn't take it anymore and decided to take her own life. It's so sad. She would have been the last person I'd ever expect that from. But I don't think she was thinking clearly and was acting out of anger. She left behind 3 little boys.
Good luck with your pregnancies ladies! Call me crazy... but I already miss it! Enjoy every minute, even the bad ones. It goes by so fast!
Good luck with your pregnancies ladies! Call me crazy... but I already miss it! Enjoy every minute, even the bad ones. It goes by so fast!

~ Nikki ~ Loving my rad new life!
VSG 1/4/2011
Lost 150lbs, gained back 50lbs.
Back on track and hope to
compete as a Powerlifter soon!!
Thanks Paula. You know, that was my first thought too... but she made a few stops that night (ariport and pharmacy) before ending up at a cheap hotel. The police checked the surveillance cameras and she was all alone. I know they had a huge fight before she left the house and I think she just snapped. She wasn't thinking rationally at all, just acting and acting fast. Still breaks my heart, she was such an amazing person.

~ Nikki ~ Loving my rad new life!
VSG 1/4/2011
Lost 150lbs, gained back 50lbs.
Back on track and hope to
compete as a Powerlifter soon!!