Question for those of you who've been preggo more than once

Celia S.
on 3/28/12 2:41 am, edited 3/28/12 2:42 am - Grand Junction, CO
Did you feel pregnant a lot sooner than you did with your first pregnancy? I'm only 4 weeks and 1 day and I don't know if it's because I'm super tuned into my body or if it's because this is my second pregnancy, but I'm feeling a few of the symptoms already.

I'm bloated, I've got mild cramping/pressure in my lower abdomen, I'm exhausted, my boobs hurt, and I have to pee all the time. I have a friend who pretty much thinks these things are in my head. She just can't imagine how I could be feeling this pregnant when I'm barely far enough along to know about it!

So is it because it's my second pregnancy or is it in my head? Scratch that... I know it's not in my head. LOL
on 3/28/12 3:08 am - Bellevue, NE
I think it is just a difference in pregnancys.  With my girls--I had symptoms immediately.  With my son, I had NO symptoms til I was almost 3 months and I was taking a shower 1 morning and BOOM all of a sudden I had a chest!!!  I just think each pregnancy is so different. 

Good luck!

Becca R.
on 3/28/12 4:00 am - WA
I felt things alot sooner.. even before I got the BFP I had lots of symptoms. If you think about it, it could be a slight combo of both I guess. Since our body already knows what to do the 2nd or 3rd time around it goes into baby hyper drive, and also we know what to expect so its easier to pick up on those slight changes.
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on 3/28/12 5:19 am
I think it is just a matter of being in tune with your body and perhaps knowing what to look for this time around.  With both of my pregnancies, I KNEW I was pregnant almost two full weeks before getting a positive home test (which for me doesn't happen until about 5.5 weeks).  Both times I felt bloated and my boobs were so sore that I had to sleep in a sports bra.  I think everyone is just different (and even every pregnancy).  You're not crazy!

~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

on 3/28/12 6:26 am - Essex, MD
I totally agree i was almoust going to be featured on I didnt know i was pregnant lol because i was just positive i was pregnant, went and bought all types of pregnancy tests, all said NEGATIVE, went to OB she gave me a test and it said NEGATIVE she sent me home told me it was all in my head, I insisted that I get blood test, she said ok gave me slip and just to humor me told me she would listen for heart tones but that they dont usually hear them before 8 weeks, as soon as she put the doppler to my belly, boom boom boom boom she was shocked but I knew all along that something was in the making just could prove it. Yes our bodies can detect that there is "a foreign object" lol and the technology ie hpt has to play catch up.
on 3/28/12 8:00 am
This is my second pregnancy, but first one post-WLS. I'm only barely 8 weeks today (I think--my cycle has been all over the place, but my first appt is tomorrow so I should find out for sure). It's weird, but it's almost like I can feel this weight in my lower abdomen...I swear I'd be showing already if I didn't have baggy skin all over my midsection. I haven't really felt morning sickness, which is weird because I had it a lot with my son, but I wonder if that's just because my innards are all different now, you know? Or maybe I'm having a girl. Or maybe it's just the fact that every pregnancy is different. Or maybe or maybe or maybe...haha

I've had really sore boobs this time around, but that's one thing I didn't have at all the first time so it's kinda throwing me. I will say, though, that the whole "your boobs grow!" during pregnancy is something I'm looking forward to, 'cause they're so flappy right now from all the weight loss! (sorry, tmi!).

Anyway. So yes, I'm feeling pregnant a lot sooner, but I'm not sure how much to attribute that to the fact that it's my second pregnancy or the fact that my body is just completely different now. Last time, I got pregnant weighing almost 350 pounds and ate so many carbs it's not even funny. This time, I'm just barely over 200 and, while I still crave carbs, I obviously can't have more than one slice of bread or I get sick. So, yeah. There you go.

Celia S.
on 3/28/12 10:14 am - Grand Junction, CO
Thank you, everyone! I'm glad I'm not crazy! LOL

I think the fact that my body is much different this time around could be a factor as well. My last pregnancy I was 351 at my first prenatal appointment and this time around (assuming my weight loss continues like it has been) I'll be more than 100lbs lighter at my first prenatal appointment. I never felt bloated when I was heavier but I can definitely feel it now. I don't have much in the way of morning sickness (yet) but I am still only 4 weeks along and it didn't hit me till about 8 weeks last time.

Anyway, thanks again! :)
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/12 1:26 pm
I think it depends on you. With my first born, and now this pregnancy (only 5 wks pregnant) I had symptoms right away. I had the crampiness and bloating. In fact, at 6 wks I was wearing maternity clothes because I was so bloated that I hated anything pressing on my stomach. And I also have to go to the bathroom a lot. With my second pregnancy, my son, I had nothing. I was huge at the end, but other than that, no symptoms at all. Congrats on your pregnancy and I hope all goes smoothly!
Sarah D.
on 3/30/12 2:18 am - Liverpool, NY
I don't think it's in your head, tou know your body and what naormal and whats not. I have 2 1/2 year old twin girls and I started feeling them move at 10wks. Everyone told me there was no way I could feel them that early and that it was in my head or it was gas. I know it was them and my Husband had his had on my belly when I was almost 14wks and much to are shock he felt one of them. People said it was still to early....WHATEVER!!! I just stoped talking about it to anyone but my hubby for alittle while, people can be so rude at times!! Like I said before you know your body better then anyone else and every pregnancy is different. Congrats and good luck, I hope you have great 9 months!!!

~*Sarah*~ Proud mommy to Anthony (4) and Twin girls born on 10/5/09 @ 34weeks.....Paytra Josephine(5.1oz) and Piper Elizabeth(3.6ozs).


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