Getting nervous about anatomy scan on Friday!

Nikki M.
on 3/20/12 10:17 am
My anatomy scan is on friday. I will be 18 weeks, 5 days along. I have been very high anxiety this whole pregnancy, probably a lot to do with my previous ectopic nightmare and having to go to a RE etc.
My last ultrasound was at 10.5 weeks and baby looked great. My last OB appt was 2 weeks ago, and baby's heart beat was 145 bpm and sounded great. My quad screen was also 2 weeks ago and the results were normal.
So why can't I shake this feeling of doom I have? Last night I dreamt that I had very low amniotic fluid and the baby wasn't moving at all. It was awful!
Sometimes I think I'm feeling a tiny bit of movement (since 16 weeks) but sometimes I think I'm just imagining it. Its not consistent. So I worry, even though I know 18 weeks is still early to feel movement for first time mom's.
I'm so excited to find out if the baby is a boy or girl. We are doing a little gender reveal party after the ultrasound. I'm just so worried I will have to call it off because we will find out something is wrong!
I meet with my OB right after the ultrasound, which is good.
Any advice ladies? Did any of you feel this way? I'm just so attached to this baby and love it so much! Ack!

Lapband 8/2007. Revised to VSG 10/2010.... 170 pounds lost!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Celia S.
on 3/20/12 10:36 am - Grand Junction, CO
It's hard not to be worried or even a bit paranoid when you're a first time mom especially if you've had losses or pregnancies that didn't make it. I wish there were magical words to say to help you get past your anxiety, but there's just not. Just know that anxiety and stress isn't good for your little one, so try to stay calm as much as you can. You'll start being reassured my little kicks, rolls, and jabs (and maybe even hiccups) soon enough. I didn't feel really anything in the way of movement til I was at 20 wks with my first child but every day after that she reminded me she was still there and doing well.

Can't wait to hear from you if you're on team PINK or team BLUE! :)
on 3/20/12 10:41 am
Welcome to motherhood!  You will worry about things you never even knew existed until you take your last breath!  In the beginning you worry about miscarriage, then you worry about the development, the birth, SIDS, weight gain, sleep patterns, potty training.... driving... it never ends!  I never used to be much of a worrier and now I'm to the point where I don'****ch the news and my husband jokes about taking the internet and my subscription to parents magazine away just so I can't find so many new things to worry about.  It is normal (I hope) and more than likely, everything will be just fine!  You're officially part of "the club".

~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

on 3/20/12 6:35 pm - Laßnitzhöhe, Austria
Hang in there Nikki.  I wish I had some good advice on how to shake the worries, but I can't shake mine either and this has continued through this entire pregnancy... much worse than any other pregnancies.  I think the losses have had alot to do with it!!!  I wasn't like this before I'd experienced my miscarriages.  I mean I always worried a little, but nothing like this....

Try to focus on the positive and don't think about the bad things that could be.  Remember.... most pregnancies end up with a healthy baby!!!

Best to you!!!
on 3/20/12 9:11 pm
The baby sounds like they are doing great so far! That's really good! I totally understand how you feel! Each time I found out I was havig a miscarriage it was during an ultrasound. So I usually have some anxiety with every ultrasound I have (even at this point, 4 days past my due date). I can't wait to hear what you are having!
Mommy to 2 of the most beauiful little girls in the whole universe and still in love with my hubby of 8 years. LIFE IS GOOD!
(deactivated member)
on 3/20/12 9:49 pm - Woodbridge, VA
It's normal to worry and, if you're worried, to have vivid dreams about it. I am now 39 weeks along, and I'm constantly having dreams about delivering the baby, being in the hospital, etc., and in my dreams, something ALWAYS goes wrong! I can't get a hold of my husband, my doc rushes me and pushes for a C-section, my water breaks at a very awkward time/place...
on 3/20/12 11:18 pm
Your feelings are completly normal.  Even the crazy dream, with my daughter i dreamed that during the US my uterus was like a toilet and my baby looked like it was being flushed (dying).  I had lots of dreams like that, but is very normal.  I have my Scan today and we also are doing a little gender revealing party with some firends.  I'm not so worried that i will have bad news just that my news will still be  Then again here of late the little bug has been making it's presence know rather strongly.  I am 20wks as of yesterday and i would say within the last week the movement has really became noticable.  Last night i even felt the little bug on the outside and then my daughter felt it as well.  Give it time and you will KNOW he/she is in there and doing well.  Good luck Friday and try to relax a little.

Nikki M.
on 3/21/12 2:22 am
Thank you so much everyone for the understanding, kind words. You make me feel.... normal! It really helps. Thanks again!

Lapband 8/2007. Revised to VSG 10/2010.... 170 pounds lost!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sarah V.
on 3/21/12 4:31 am
So normal.  I had ultrasounds every week for the first 12 weeks, had my anatomy scan at 19W4D, had another ultrasound at 28 weeks to check placenta location then had NSTs with ultrasounds twice a week for the last few weeks and I was ALWAYS nervous.  I had a missed miscarriage with my first pregancy a few months before I got pregant with my daughter and it was discovered on an ultrasound.

The good news is that the very night of the anatomy ultrasound, I felt my first real undeniable baby movement.  It DOES get a lot easier once you are feeling regular movement...unless you don't feel something for a couple hours then you get nervous about that. :)

Like a previous poster said, it's normal and you should get used to it.  I was nervous the whole pregnancy (though it did ease up in the second half a little) and when I brought her home I was scared to death that she was going to stop breathing or choke (she had severe reflux).  Now that she's almost 2 I'm afraid she's going to fall down the stairs or choke on a grape or stab herself in the eye with a fork...the list goes on.  Pregnancy nerves are just preparing you for the rest of your baby's life!

Try to relax and let the excitement that I KNOW you're feeling about Friday overtake the nervous part.  You get a chance to see your little bean and he/she is going to look more like a person than last's so exciting!

Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014


Nikki M.
on 3/22/12 12:11 pm
I just found out yesterday that a coworker of mine lost her baby this week at 25ish weeks! I am just devestated for her! And the news couldn't have come at a worse time when I am as nervous as I am. Just praying, praying, praying.

Lapband 8/2007. Revised to VSG 10/2010.... 170 pounds lost!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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