we're still here
Hi everyone!
Here we are still (me and the little guy) just 3 days after EDD, but it feels like 3 weeks. Had a check on Friday and we did an enhanced doppler of the placental blood flow, my BP was quite good as was the NST, so.... we are waiting and praying mother nature takes care of things. I still would really like a VBAC. I've also had a wicked sinus infection and can hardly stand the pain in my face and teeth and head that is going along with it, so it's probably best I haven't gone into labor! (maybe he's waiting for mom to feel better)
We have a check tomorrow. Had an hour and a half of hard and 60 -75 sec. contractions last night that were regular than..... stopped. The doc says the longest he'd feel comfortable with letting me go over is 7-10 days. Prostaglandin gels are out of the question because of my previous c section which only leaves induction as a possibility, which raises risk of uterine rupture..... so once again I don't know what I'll decide.
So.... praying for labor to begin!!!! ( I don't feel like making anymore decisions at this point!!)
Take care everyone!!!
Here we are still (me and the little guy) just 3 days after EDD, but it feels like 3 weeks. Had a check on Friday and we did an enhanced doppler of the placental blood flow, my BP was quite good as was the NST, so.... we are waiting and praying mother nature takes care of things. I still would really like a VBAC. I've also had a wicked sinus infection and can hardly stand the pain in my face and teeth and head that is going along with it, so it's probably best I haven't gone into labor! (maybe he's waiting for mom to feel better)
We have a check tomorrow. Had an hour and a half of hard and 60 -75 sec. contractions last night that were regular than..... stopped. The doc says the longest he'd feel comfortable with letting me go over is 7-10 days. Prostaglandin gels are out of the question because of my previous c section which only leaves induction as a possibility, which raises risk of uterine rupture..... so once again I don't know what I'll decide.
So.... praying for labor to begin!!!! ( I don't feel like making anymore decisions at this point!!)
Take care everyone!!!
labor dust!!! good luck!!!
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Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...

Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...